Ishiya sighed when her mother had convince her to get her sister from her trip to the bookstore. It didn't surprise her that the woman that she barely know is so paranoid. It seems like very thing can trip the woman off and almost panics when she thinks nothing is safe. Jogging down the street, she stopped when she noticed that her sister had one of her blackouts again and is leaning against a tree just some ways in the park. "Jaitheia, wake up. Great, she had another one of her blackouts. Hope she doesn't push me or threaten me to get out of her way again." Ishiya said with a chuckle until a yawn caught her attention. Her sister got up and muttered something she couldn't understand and waved her off. "Never mind she's in one of her moods again. She is going to leave me somewhere now." -------- Zaknafein opened her eyes with a yawn and saw her host's sister kneeling in front of her. Standing up she waved Ishiya off before she figured out something that they could do something that could take suspicion off of her. "Do you want to explore for a bit? I always want to walk through the forest." She said as she stretched out her back from leaning against the tree trunk for a bit. As they were talking, they found themselves on the other side of town and more so near the forest. Everything that she areas through Jaitheia's eyes always got her curious about the forest nearby. Somehow strange things tend happen when you are in a forest good or bad. In other words, as long as nothing happen to her host, she doesn't care what happens to anyone else that is with her. "Jaitheia, we shouldn't be here. You know that." Ishiya put a hand on her shoulder before she shrug her hand off and continue walking some ways. Walking a head some ways, she pulled herself into a tree before Ishiya could see her.