Name: Arthur Sima Age: 33 Gender: Male Occupation: Mercenary MS pilot, formerly of the 33rd Commonwealth Night Operations MS company Appearance: [url=] Link![/url] Personality: Loyal to his friends but bitter to his superiors that just sit behind a desk, his father being in the army himself told him that a leader should always be able to put himself in the same amount of danger as he expects those under him to be. A chain smoker Skills: [+] Experienced MS Pilot [+] Proficient with Firearms [+] Survivalist Equipment: [+] 9mm Pistol [+] Pocket Knife [+] 1 Spare Magazine [+] Lighter [+] Telescope Biography: A grizzled veteran of the last war which only ended eleven years ago, to him it only seems like yesterday in which he would put on this combat suit in preparation for another attack on an enemy base before the regular troopers would come in and mop up any survivors. After years of fighting for the commonwealth Arthur finally had enough, after all Arthur had enlisted when he was 18 and so he had been a solider for four years during that terrible war which ravaged the earth. These days Arthur does same jobs around the colony as he did in the army. Guarding shipments of materials, patrolling for raiders and the occasional reconnaissance missions. All this but without a paper pusher superior sitting behind him watching his every move. Weaknesses: [-] Authority Issues, with those that sit behind a desk all day [-] Takes a pull your own weight attitude ~Mech Profiles~ Model: RGM-86V "Night Seeker" (GM 3 with Night Seeker Parts) Specialization: Hit and Run Night Combat Appearance: [url=] Night Seeker [/url] Weapons: - 1x Beam Saber __The beam saber use Minovsky particles held in place by an I-Field to form an effective cutting surface that can slice through nearly any material. The particles for the beam saber are stored by E-cap in the hilt of the saber, which is recharged from the GM's reactor when the saber is returned to its socket. Once activated, beam saber do not rely on the mobile suit's reactor and can be thrown or discarded as decoys. The beam saber is most often used for close range combat or as an emergency weapon once all other ammunition has been depleted. - 1x Feyadeen Rifle/Beam Saber __An extensive beam weapon with a power rated at 6.6 MW, charged by rechargeable energy cap. The feyadeen rifle can perform as a beam saber. - 2x 60mm Vulcan Guns __60mm Gatling Guns stored on the sides of the GM's head. Having the greatest rate of fire of all the GM's weapons these are primarily used to ward off advancing enemies, shoot down missiles, or hit other fast moving targets. They also made good use as an anti-aircraft and anti-personnel weapons. The Vulcan guns however had a hard time piercing heavy armor and thus were not often used against larger, more heavily armored foes. Still the Vulcans were useful in preserving ammunition. - 1x Shield __The shield is a thick sheet of armor designed to take severe punishment that would normally destroy a mobile suit. Since the introduction of beam weaponry, shields have been treated with an anti-beam coating allowing it to withstand several beam shots before the coating wears off. Typically physical shields can only take so much damage before they succumb to the pressure and break. Capabilities: [+] The thrusters allow the Night Seeker to jump to a height of 400m [+] Lightweight [+] Ability to increase its sensor range by equipping itself with targeting sensors in the "face guard" visor over its standard sensors Weaknesses: [-] Limited Armaments [-] Minimal Armor plating [-]