Jonnie curled her upper lip as she walked behind most everyone. She was kind of falling behind, trying not to get too close to Mr. Ice Man up there. If things were getting cramped, she'd rather not be stuck next to him. Even Mr. Ze would be better than that guy. At least he couldn't freeze the hell out of someone. Still, She marched on. This was better than staying back at the lair where there was bound to be [b][u]nothing[/u][/b] happening. Then again, maybe it would be better. She could mess with Mr. Ice Man's stuff. Heh... It was an idea. She let out a long sigh when a certain thought popped into her head. Why did they have to die? Soren's mom was nice if not... cold and I'm sure everyone else had something with their parents. Jonne couldn't say she missed her dad but somewhere deep down she might have missed the power hunger snob. Maybe... But probably not. While the pathway was meagerly lit and... wet. Another reason Jonnie would rather be gone right now, she had put fire to her thumb in order to keep a light source near her. Darkness was another thing she didn't like. Cold and dark... [b]Never[/b] a good combination. She chuckled slightly when Robin offered to widen the tunnel. [b]"That's be great but... then we might have a horde of kobolds on our ass."[/b] She remarked, rather rudely. She wasn't known to be the nicest person. But then... no one ever really tried. [b]"Just keep going. If we have to crawl in nasty water..."[/b] She stopped, thinking about her situation more fully now. [b]"Actually... I might just wait here. Even if I go in there with you guys, I'd be useless soaked in water. Unless someone brought a towel with them and knows how to use it with lightning speed."[/b] She told them, the last part a bit sarcastic. Just a bit.