--[b][i]villain[/b][/I] Shasi had been one of the ones to stay behind, not confident enough in his abilities to not die to go crawling around in some dirty kobold den. Or nest. House, maybe. Whatever it was. He didn't envy those who decided to go, but was starting to regret his inaction if only because he was [i]bored out of his skull[/i]. In the two weeks he'd known his--[i]companions[/I], he'd been either bored, put out, or mildly disturbed. There was a plus in that he got his own entire [i]floor[/I], but a con in that he honestly had no clue what to do with it. He'd settled, so far, for absolutely nothing. This was brief introspection as he sat outside the dungeon, awaiting the 'away team' as it were. Something about keeping watch. He considered the whole endeavor pointless, but was doing it anyway. His staff was propped against his side, and Jia Li was laying languidly on his shoulder. She seemed to be asleep, and he reached up and touched her smooth head. She was one familiar, comfortable thing, at least. He could not recall exactly who had left and who had stayed, he'd only been present as they were walking out. And being that he was not actually [i]inside[/I] of the dungeon, there was no telling, really. He assumed that his companions wouldn't be back for some time and reclined, intent on taking a nap and trusting himself to wake up to a vision if anything unfortunate were to happen to him. In any case, if they were gone for longer than a day he was abandoning his post. He'd take warmth and a bed over the chills of night and an uncomfortable seat any day, and surely they could continue living without a 'welcome back' from him. Something interesting, and not deadly, would have to crop up for him to do. At some point. Probably. With that in mind, he closed his eyes and relaxed.