[center][b][u][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/8899/posts/ooc]Visit the OOC now![/url][/u][/b][/center] [img=http://f.cl.ly/items/2D3I42072T3E01321F0r/cityscape.jpg] Hoi, chummers. I feel like the Sprawl needs a visit. So, Turtlicious is already hosting [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/7344/posts/ooc]a Shadowrun tabletop game[/url], but I figured it might be nice to do one here on the boards. For those of you who don't know (although at least a passing familiarity with the Shadowrun universe would be really sweet), Shadowrun is a tabletop RPG set in the 2070s. Not only has technology evolved to the point of people surfing the internet in virtual reality through a neural interface and replacing limbs with cybernetic ones, magic's had a comeback as well, bringing with it elves, trolls, dwarves, orks and pretty much every kind of paranormal creature you've ever heard of. Saeder-Krupp is even run by a dragon. Shadowrunners are deniable assets, hired by the all-powerful corporations to accomplish the kind of missions that you don't want traced back to you. So a katana-wielding, spell-slinging mage might be working alongside a hacker and a troll with huge cyberarms in order to, uh, [i]extract[/i] a scientist from one corp to another. Think Leverage with elves and robots. There are very few limits to what a Shadowrunner can be and do, but here are a few of the archetypes often found on a team: [*][b]The Face[/b] takes care of social interactions. Need a grifter to provide a distraction at a fancy party? Someone to seduce a password out of that wageslave? The Face is your guy—or girl. Sometimes both.[/*] [*][b]The Street Samurai[/b] is a cybernetically enhanced killing machine who's literally got wired reflexes. Master of every weapon, the Street Sam is willing to carve out a piece of himself if it means replacing it with a better, faster part.[/*] [*][b]The Hacker[/b] lives and breathes the Matrix. Give her thirty seconds alone with a wireless connection, and she'll have turned the building's security system on itself. She knows about your porn collection.[/*] [*][b]The Rigger[/b] isn't just a mere getaway driver, he's also got a sizable collection of drones. He's got you covered on machines, even if it means he has to load his mind into a drone and become one with it.[/*] [*][b]The Magician[/b] takes care of the paranormal. These days every corp's got wagemages on patrol, and you need The Magician to deal with that. Whether they're a hermetic mage, casting obscure spells from their digital tomes or a shaman communing with the spirits of the Sprawl, you can be sure The Magician will see that fireball coming before you do.[/*] I'm not sure about the particulars—I have next to no GM experience, and there are a lot of ways to go about a Shadowrun RP—but I'm totally open to suggestions. Casual would probably work best for this kind of thing. Here's what I figure so far: This is gonna be a relatively short mission. It lowers the chance of RP death, and if we wanna cary on, it's as simple as going on a second job (with new people if they wanna join). A typical Shadowrun follows four phases: getting the job, planning the mission, the mission itself, getting paid. I think that might be a good idea to follow. Gives us some variety, lets the players plan a heist (come on, you know you've always wanted to!), and it ensures we won't be stuck in a single scene for too long. I really don't wanna railroad this thing (although I'm definitely gonna end up doing it anyway, so feel free to call me out!). So I was thinking, while I'm probably gonna be establishing a few things in a scene, so I thought we could use the good ol' "if it's posted, it's canon". If you write that your character spots a guy on the roof, there's a guy on the roof. We'll figure out the actual mission once we've got our players ready in the OOC, as it depends on the players. If nobody wants to be a hacker (althought I doubt that, you get to hack computers with your [i]mind[/i]), I'm not gonna send people on a dataheist. Check out the [url=http://shadowrun.wikia.com/]Shadowrun Wiki[/url] if you wanna read up on stuff, or just ask any questions you might have. Cheers!