"Well, you seemed to be enjoying yourself during the fight. Mister Gabriel made it a contest between men and we couldn't just let that guy to abuse his daughter like that". Kenneth scratched his head, thinking through what he'd say to the sprite. He knew she'd be upset, but not this much. "Look, I'm...not really the best person to speak about this. I'm an adventurer by choice, I actually enjoy the dangers and the challenge. I'm not gonna lie Lily, it's a hard life and getting hurt and seeing others get hurt...it's a part of it all and something you're gonna have to learn to cope with if you want to keep going. You just have to decide whether the end goal for the journey is worth it is all". Definitely not his best motivating chat, but it was the truth, and one best told sooner rather than later. "Something else to consider: you have a gift. You can help those who are in pain, like you did with Gabriel. Not many people can do something like that. Helping out people who you've never seen before and might not see ever again for no reason other than because it's a good thing to do...that's probably the best part of a life like mine, and makes seeing all the hurt worthwhile, because you can do something about it".