"The same could be the same for you! Telling people one thing and do another themselves. Also I don't like people telling me what I can and cannot do!" Zaknafein yelled in the darkness when she could barely make out a figure in the trees. Who ever was in the trees was irritating her to no ends, and there's not even some kind of body of water for her to use. There's no way she's going to pull water from the very air with witnesses around. Not if she wants her host to become extremely weak or fall unconscious for anybody else that would take advantage of her vulnerable state. Ishiya looked at her sister and noticed that something was strange was going on. There was water forming something in her clinched hand. "We were just walking around. I didn't know that there was a curfew or even a law put into place that would stop us from even going into the forest." She said as she hoped that "Jaitheia" would calm down and stop doing whatever she is doing. Though she agreed with what she had said, but she couldn't shake the feeling that this person was armed.