[b][i]Terra Asterius Zala[/i][/b] The ground shook underneath Terra. Her assault against the advancing Generics came to a halt as she wondered what the heck was going on. The worm-like debris forming beneath her took her by surprise, knocking the ZETA out of its position before landing on its feet several moments later. "Uwagh!" The damage assessment on Terra's screen appeared and showed moderate damage. "These Actualisers are getting on my nerves!" Getting back whatever she could. she focused on the one that attacked her, that DINN which annoyed the life out of her. While the enemy was busy dealing with the Centennial, she pushed her thrusters at full strength towards the Actualisers DINN with her BOWA's saber, targetting at where she thought to be the cockpit of the Mobile Suit. Should the attack land on the opponent, Terra would disengage the Saber form the barrel and proceed to fire the BOWA Rifle and head-mounted machine gun through the DINN. As Terra finished her Assault, she found herself meeting up with the Centennial Gundam herself as a channel opened between her and Sousuke, "I... I took up this life..." He seemed flustered with the life of a normal Soldier at war. "Is this really what I should've taken?" Terra gave him a smug look. "Accept it, this was the life destined for you ever since you were born to Commander Yamato." She looked up at the enemy, anticipating its attack. "So, attack at its joints huh?"