Reddo picked up the man's arms while Angelo grabbed his legs. You could tell Angelo was angry, Reddo understood why. There was innocent people in that building and we still don't know if any got hurt. If any did Angelo will probably snap and do something bad. Reddo was happy the man was out cold, She wasn't in the mood to mess with anybody right now. Reddo began to think of random things and remembered Ed in the corner of the hideout. He looked pretty upset. [i]Wasn't he on a plane or something[/i] Reddo though to herself. She thought she remembered Ed saying something about needing a plane ticket to go some where. Reddo was about to ask Angelo but decided now wasn't the best time. Angelo and Reddo finally arrived back at the hideout, Angelo wanted to take him down into the tunnels for interrogation. Reddo thought it was a good idea. Nobody could her his screams if they had to cause him pain. Then Reddo remembered, they hadn't searched him. When arriving in the tunnels she began to dig through his tattered clothes. There wasn't much, only a tome. She handed the tome to Angelo, "Here, he won't be needing this right now. We don't want him to do anything tricky and try to get out of the ropes he was tied with." Reddo knew that he his tome probably caused the explosion. He couldn't just sneak a whole bunch of C4 or gas tanks in there. Reddo pulled up some chairs. The tunnels were small but they were roomy enough to have chairs and a table. She then poured herself a glass of tea, she got the tea when she went up the stairs to get the chairs and table. She offered Angelo a cup but he turned her down, Reddo knew he wasn't in the mood for any drink other then maybe some alcohol. Now they waited for the man's eyes to open.