The last hours had been silent, almost painfully silent. Fuaad hadn't comment on Shirlys explination, he just accepted it and nodded. For Fuaad to be silent for the most of the trip to Haggerston was unusual indeed. Still he had a very legitimate reason to be. [i]I send you a silent prayer, everyone lost through the many battles here, may your soul have made through the roof of dangers...[/i] When Fuaads grandfather died at Haggerston he was only ten. It was a hard lost for him and the Packistani community. He was a great man and a leader, but going against these "creatures" was his last and most stupid desicion. -"Guys! Haggerston, guys! We've reached Haggerston!" Shirly seemed overwhelmed with this, in Fuaads opinion, quite undwewhelming feat. But every new step is indeed a big one, small or not. "I'm exhausted. Let's rest for a moment, aye?" -"Just a short while, the quicker we move the better. Don't want to be caught with our pants down would we?" Fuaad feel a slight nudge and see Jake walking up to a rock. He decides to follow and see what he wants. -"What do you want Ja... Oh my. This is bad." Where Jake sits is an awe-inspiring clawmark, soaked in its victims blood. It seemed kinda old but still... Could it get here once it could do it again. Jake looks up at Fuaad and point at Shirly. It takes a moment for Fuaad to realize what he means. -"Well shit, let me handle it Jake. Keep a close eye for anything that moves. We move ASAP." Fuaad walks quickly up to Shirly and quickly snitches her dagger from her belt. Inspecting it Fuaad see it's hardly used for what it's intended, even less for fighting. -"I'm sorry Shirly but this simply won't do. Take my pipe, it isn't much but it might save your life. This knife is as useful at fending off creatures as wiping your ass with sandpaper." He gives her a concerning look, showing he is not joking around, much. "We need to leave, you ready?"