[center][b]Saturday, Noon, Tenguu city's "The Magical Baker"[/b][/center] Being in the back of the Bakery and working on baking was something she did not like too much. While she was well aware that it was the most important part, she did not like getting herself too hot with the oven. Yoshikuni was somewhat pleased when the last batch for her shift was ready, and she took it out to the front carefully. "The final batch of the morning is ready!" After placing the tray with fresh breads in its place, the owner of the bakery, a 40 year old man, gave her a nod and turned back to talk to a customer. Yoshikuni went and grabbed her bag before looking at the owner again. "You remember that the concert is today? You told me I could leave my shift a bit early to go there." She said in a sweet voice, and he turned to look at her once more after finishing to deal with the customer. "Yeah, I remember. And I remain a man of my word. You finish early today, Yoshikuni." "Thank you, Mister Rei-Sama!" The older man smiled as he watched Yoshikuni go around the counter and give him a wave before another customer approached him to pay. By the time he had a chance to look around, the teenage girl was already gone from his bakery. Walking towards where the concert was at, Yoshikuni couldn't help but feel excited. She had never been at a concert before, but she also wondered how many people will be there. When she asked her classmates, they told her it was going to be crowded with people, but that it was going to be lots of fun too. She moved to stand at the shadow of a tree, managing to see from the distance the place where the concert was going to be held. It appeared like a place which could hold quite a lot of people, which made her lick her lips. So many shadows in one place... This was going to be fun. She then continued to walk to where the concert was at, taking out a small umbrella she always had as protection against the sun. While people always questioned her about it, she kept saying she had a somewhat sensitive skin and did not want to risk have burns while walking normally. She already figured that she couldn't be with the umbrella and stand in the middle of the place, as it would most likely make people who want to see irritated, so she decided to take a spot in the back. Now all she wanted to figure out was if she will simply have fun or get herself a snack or two while she was there. She approached the place, now standing at the edge of the park, and looked at the whole thing being set up. It looked really nice, with blue and white flowers being set up in some places of the concert. Yoshikuni moved to stand under a tree before leaning on its trunk, watching from afar, waiting for when it will start, and waiting to see if anyone she knew would show up.