Damien pursed his lips angrily. He wanted to drive them off, for their own good, and rebuke them for their childish insolence, but he wasn't going to get his wish. There was nothing more he could do in a free country. He lifted up his goggles and put his bow across his shoulders. He should have walked off in stealth, should have vanished like a proper warrior, but instead, he felt angry, and cocky. Damien simply walked out of the forest beside them, caring not for the amount of noise he made, snapping twigs and whatnot below foot. Tall, clad in black with a bow and a blade, his long hair hanging behind him where it was tied behind his head, he certainly looked like some kind of military fanatic idiot. His dark brown eyes peered at their faces as he emerged from the brush, but his own face was completely concealed by the sash he wore. Seeing the expected reactions, he kept on walking. His motorbike was stashed not far from there.