Once Emma had picked up all her materials, she turned to find that the young man she had bumped into had gone and had not taken the Phoenix feather with him. The feather was glowing red as it rested on the concrete. "Oh no, he must have dropped in during his hasty departure," Emma said before turning back to Faye. "I guess I'll have to get it back to him. It was a pleasure meeting you Faye, and thanks again!" She said before swiftly running after the young man. He was walking a quick pace though and Emma found herself taking larger steps. She wanted to call out to him however she didn't know his name. Plus, the hustle and bustle of the town would have drowned out the sound of her voice. As she passed a gardener's stall, she quickly grabbed a rake and mounted it, hovering swiftly in order to catch up to him. Her bags of ingredients were forgotten at the stall but her mind was pressed on other things. She followed him as he entered the woods but once she found herself within the trees, he was no longer anywhere to be seen. Before she could continue her search, the rake beneath her began to jerk, and suddenly her flight was out of control. Emma squealed, partly out of fright and partly out of delight, as she flew in circles, barrel-rolling through the air. The fun began to wear off fast when she suddenly began to feel very dizzy. "Oh dear! Help!" she cried out, which was probably not the best idea. She may attract unwanted attention but that didn't bother her for the moment. Emma gasped when the rake beneath her abruptly stopped and she attempted to seize this moment to take back control. Unfortunately, she wasn't quite so lucky and she dropped swiftly to the ground, landing roughly on her bottom. She groaned in pain and sat up, sighing as the phoenix feather and rake dropped down beside her. She picked up the feather and examined it. "I wonder where he went." She said quietly to herself.