[center][i][b][u]VILLAIN[/i][/b][/u][/center] --- Catherine, too, had chosen to stay at home. Her new home, anyway. Whatever! Their new hole in the ground. There was still dirt inside it. Her present company was intolerable. And grimy. She hated everything. And she was living in a tent. A tent! She had never known such indignity. The whole situation was unbelievable, really. Some of these bumpkins-- the other 'villains,' if you could call them that-- hadn't even brought tents. Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable. It had occurred to her at some point a week before that she vastly overestimated her compatriots. Some of them were probably even peasants. Ew. There was so much dirt about that even she was dressed plainly, in a simple blue tunic. And pants. Maybe she was catching the poor. A brief moment of terror caught her, but she banished it right away. As if. She sighed, shook her head, and poked her royal head out of her misery tent. They barely even had a chance to fight over who would have the bottom floor of the dungeon before the away team took off. It was obviously going to be her, but she wanted to firmly establish that fact with the rest of these bozos. These bozos, however, weren't here, and the first boy she saw was, well. He was taking a nap with what she could only assume was some kind of scaly rodent, and in clothes that, in her opinion, would look much better on her, to boot. She pulled the flap aside and trudged out, posing and casting an imperious shadow over him. He had plebeian tastes when it came to snoozing spots. But his fashion sense was acceptable, and she was clearly going to have to lower her standards. She nudges him with her foot. What was his name? Sha-something. "Hey. You're some kind of wizard, right?" Her eyes flicker toward the staff. "I'm bored and cursing stuff. You." She makes a deliberate show of pointing to him. "Are invited to be my assistant. All I've got right now is a cursed blanket that makes you breathe manually, and if you decline, I'm going to drop it on you." She folds her arms and impatiently awaits his response.