[u][b]Collab between The Irish Tree and [s]Nananeko[/s] LowKey[/b][/u] Yael's eyes narrowed, and her face said 'whaaaat' when Ozpin said he'd keep it brief. What? That was scrubby! Wasn't this meant to be long, and fun, and aweinspiring? Well, maybe not fun. Moreso deadly than fun. And Ozpin had it all wrong! She wasn't here for all this stupid shit! FUCKING EDUCATION! Her face went from 'whaaat' to 'hmph' in half a second. I mean, who would come here to get knowledge? We're supposed to die! And throw up mexican in the dorms! And make really good friends who aren't in your team... She wanted good friends, too! Not education! She wanted other shitty cowardly people here too! This was supposed to be funny, and for her to compare stories to others! Hell, there was one guy who threw up mexican on the airship, some years ago! Words say he had a yoyo, and he got this teammate. He was never seen again.... But that won't happen. Oh, wait, what did Ozpin say? Wasted energy? No, that's really wrong! Searching for direction? Well, that's really right, actually. I mean, Yael was kinda cowardly. And she almost cried her way through the airship ride. And she needs something to do! To hone craft and acquire skills? Well, that was really right. She was shit with a sword. And she can't fight. She can. But usually she can't because she's scared of monsters that will kill her if she doesn't do much. Wait, what? Her face of 'hmph' went to a face of astonishment. She was awestruck. This Ozpin guy knew everything. He was practically a mind reader! Everything about her would be exposed by him! So, there was only one conclusion. Ozbot- wait what the test? No. No please. Yael was terrified of the test. She even grabbed on to a random guy's shoulder just to cry on it from this terrible, terrible news. Of you could see, there was a face of terrified-ness along with the random crying. She was crying so much that she almost missed the good news. They were able to go anywhere. So, she went. She went, she ran, a happy face slapped on, and starting running away from...this school. She ran, really fast, actually. So fast, that she bumped into this girl with force. This white-haired girl. What. [b][i]”...What a waste of time…”[/i][/b] Beliya muttered as she started to walk away from the assembly hall, though her attempt to walk away was interrupted by a girl literally running full force into her, knocking her to the floor. She was, to say the least, caught off guard from this, and to the most, she was mentally saying: [i]”IS THIS PART OF THE TEST TOO?”[/i] as she flew back. Standing up, she cast a rather angry glare at the girl before her, unsure of whether it was intention, or they were just incompetent. Simply settling with the fact that she was annoyed, she grasped the side of her Kaldenets’ sheath and asked: [b]”What EXACTLY do you think you’re doing?”[/b] I think there were no words for what Yael was thinking. I think she snapped. [i]'AHFUCKNO-okay, breathe in, breathe out. It's alright! Just a girl who could murder you! It's...'s nofmal-no, normal. It is fine. We are fine. Just smoothly say something, be smooooooooooth as butter.'[/i] "PLEASE DON'T MURDER ME RANDOM KILLING LADY!" smooth. I think there are no words. BUMPING into this white-haired girl, and spewing that out. Again, a highly terrified face was on this face. [b]”...What?”[/b] was the only response Beliya could think to say after such a...blunt yet confusing statement. ...She didn’t want her to murder her. That was understandable, but why? Did people here always worry about things like this? Picking herself up, she continued to cast a cold glare onto this...strange girl, before asking: [b]”...I’ll ask again. What. Do you. Think. You’re. Doing.”[/b] Inching a bit closer to her each time. [b]and now a word from our sponsors: buy invisible monkeys. and support yael x beliya [/b] "Uh.....uuuuuuhhhhh....well, see therewasthisairshipthatleadtothisschoolthatiqualifiedforbutididntwanttocomebecauseiwantedtostayhomebecauseitwasscary, funny right? And then therewasthisguyandhetoldmeaboutthisplacebuttheniactedkindastupidandididntknowwhatiwasdoingthen, sotheniwent in here. AndthentherewasthisassemblywhereOzpinkneweverythingaboutmeanditwasweirdsoitwasalmostlikehewasarobot and stuff. So thenthisothergirltalkedaboutthetestandthenicriedandiwastryingtorunawaybutibumpedintoyouand now this is happening! Isn't that funny? Ahahaha, haha heeeeeee?" wow. What an idiot. That was the only thing Yael thought she was at this moment, and this was pretty much instinct. So, that tells her what she was grown up on so she doesn't forget again. Oh, and then there was this stuff below me. A deadened stare. That’s all Beliya showed on her face as the girl droned on and on about what felt like her entire life story being crammed down into half a minute. She could have sworn that her own brain cells were slowly committing suicide by self-immolation working as fast as they could to process the blithering girl’s words. Needless to say, it hurt to listen. Closing her eyes, furrowing her brow, and grasping the skin above the bridge of her nose lightly and massaging it, she asked: [b]”And, why, pray tell, are you here if you have no desire to be here?”[/b] Hoping to whatever merciful god there was in this world that she would slow down with her explanation... AHAHAHAHA- okay, kiinda. Yael took a deep breath, mustering all the power of each of the greek and roman gods, jesus and his mother, all of the atheists, intelligent people, maybe some teenagers, probably some kids, maybe adults who live with their parents still, the christian god, the zodiac signs, and all of the stars in the multiverses. She felt like she was going to suffocate with this breath, and it was almost like she was imploding her lungs with this breath of the gods. "Because, there'sh def-these thu-thi-THOOO-things called parents. I think. I don't know if they taught me social skills." THANK WHATEVER GOD EXISTED, A SLOW EXPLANATION LACKING IN BRAINMOLLATION! That was probably what was going through Beliya’s mind as she lowered her hand from her brow and crossed her arms, keeping her cold glare on this girl, before suddenly breaking her look of annoyance with a smile, and asking: [b]”You. What is your name?”[/b] Her face broke. The sound of glass breaking was in the background, and her eyes went to nothingness. Just simply pure white, was her reaction. But, with the shake of her head, she was back to normal. "Uh..ummm..my- m'na-M'NAAAA-MY name is, uh, Alpha, um...Chaarnette, that's it." And then champagne rain down from the sky, her normal face turned into one of great confidence, and she rubbed her eyes, before realizing what was happening in this new...form? Personality? Almost both. "Why'd you ask me for my name?" Oh hohohoho, fffffffffffuck. Amnesia, a sign of crazy. [b]”You hesitated.”[/b] Beliya’s smile broke away as the girl, this, ‘Alpha’ finished speaking. Leaning in closer, almost to the point of it getting awkward, Beliya added on with: [b]”That means it isn’t really your name. Something as simple as a name cannot be fumbled so badly; not even by you. So. I’ll ask again. Name?”[/b] "Oh, my name is Queen VVVVictoorrrria the third, and I am a purple pterodactylpus who can fly using grape flavored rainbows. Obviously. You're hallucinating. And I'm pretty stupid, nobody would believe that...My real name is Janet Nelson." Oh look, now she can say shit calmly. Now she can lie about her name and retain this personality because she is a good liar and is actually calm and has good social skills. It's pretty much just what normal people are. oh wait nope, now she has to feel guilty about this later. [b]”...Hmm. Very well then.”[/b] Beliya withdraws from her close examination of the girl-whatever her name was’ eyes, she seemed...calm now. Strange. Very strange. Deciding that she wouldn’t get anything more out of her with that, she said: [b]”Well, Queen Victoria.”[/b] with a dry, sarcastic tone, adding on with: [b]”I would still like to know why you’re even here if you’re afraid.”[/b] She wasn’t done with this girl yet...not by a long shot. Someone this spastic and unpredictable could prove to be a useful teammate, if understood properly. "Because....I do not remember, actually." She had the blank face, like she genuinely had amnesia right then and there. She looked like she did not remember anything at all, and almost just woke up from a 10 year old coma or something else like that, while on life support. But she wasn't. It was just a long while when these UNFORTUNATE SERIES OF EVENTS happened. Or started. You can't remember 8+ years of this shit. Was it 8+? Nobody knows anymore, because Yael- I mean Janet didn't. Beliya tilted her head towards the ground and closed her eyes before speaking in response to...Janet. [b]”..That is troublesome...regardless, I still think you have something to say.”[/b] Beliya looked at Y-Janet expectantly, wondering if she’d honestly forgotten her manners. [b]”Or perhaps you just don’t feel like it.”[/b] "I...really don't member anything, honestly." Put it off. Get to the conversation, off this weird topic. Yael was thinking of something to mend the ice and break it in a normal way. "Uh, so how was your day, Ms. Person McPersonwoman. With...old-looking hair person." Oh great, that wasn't very good. At least it was normal. And usually much better than bumping into a random girl and talking to her for fuckin' 4/5 hours. Beliya sighed as her hint was lost on the girl...honestly, even she had better manners; and she’d been raised in the unsettled lands. [b]”Fine. Thank you, I think. And, it’s Beliya. Beliya Karsakov.” [/b] She extended her hand out to offer a handshake, which she thought was just a bit too much for someone with such poor manners. Yael smiled, and shook the hand slowly, thinking that if she did it any faster, old lady's hand would pop off and she'd have a stroke. "Hi. Now we can be best friends! Right...?" She said, unsure if her first impression was terrible or just bad. Maybe it was terrible. Which is essentially superbad. Her smile faded at the thought of an old lady pummelling her. Beliya shook firmly, odd considering how slowly Janet was shaking her hand. Once it was over, Beliya’s look of annoyance faded, and she seemed much more calm, keeping a monotone expression on. Maybe she could be useful...Thinking that she might as well give her a shot, Beliya simply said: [b]”I suppose. Just never call my hair old-looking again or I’ll have to take drastic measures.”[/b] There was no difference in her speech during the threat, making it difficult to tell if she was joking or not. "Okay, old-looking hair lady."