Well that took a wee bit longer than I anticipated but Hazzah! A CS arrives. [Hider=Character Sheet] [b]Name:[/b] Zane Decker [b]Age:[/b] 31 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Occupation:[/b] Soldier, MS Pilot [b]Appearance:[/b] Zane stands a little on the short side at 5'5” with caucasian skin tone, sandy brown hair and light blue eyes. While not tall he has wide set shoulders and keeps himself fit and trim. He keeps his hair cut short and stays clean shaven. Zane will typically keep his uniform clean and properly ironed, his civies on the other hand regularly consist of a brown leather jacket with fur lining around the collar, plain black button up shirt, blue jeans and combat boots, He is somewhat less fastidious over their condition and while they get washed and repaired regularly he doesn't hold his civilian wardrobe to the same standards as his uniform. [b]Personality:[/b] Zane was raised by a father than believed strongly in military discipline, Zane however is more divided on it, literally. When on duty or in uniform Zane will tow the line as expected of a soldier, he will make an effort to suppress his vices and focus on the task at hand. Put him in civies however and Zane lets all of that go he has a passion for speed and has been called an adrenalin junkie before, about the only thing he does moderate when out of uniform is his drinking, he enjoys a buzz but sees little point in taking it further and he stays away from drugs almost entirely. He can get aggressive when riled up about something but is otherwise pretty care-free and easy to get along with, at least when he's not doing something those around him find objectionable. [b]Skills:[/b] -Zane is a competent marksman both in and out of the cockpit - hinks fast on his feet and is more than willing to adapt to changing situations. -He has taken the time to learn several other languages to a passable degree since coming to the city. -Zane also has an excellent sense of direction and strong navigational skills. -Some mechanics knowledge, enough to keep his bike and mobile suit running bar any major issues. [b]Equipment:[/b] 9mm sidearm, combat knife, analogue watch, a cup of dice, an old paperback book which has lost its cover. [b]Biography:[/b] Zane comes from a small African city state of Jaunde which managed to come through the war relatively well off due to mostly by not drawing the attention of the major players in the war and keeping mostly to themselves. That is not to say they were not tested by other factions during the war, indeed Jaunde saw its share of raiders and a few rival city states in the region tried to take advantage but despite heavy damage to the city and surrounding land on numerous occasions Jaunde held firm. While by the wars end it was a shadow of its former splendour Jaunde was still standing and her remaining population was resolute to rebuild. Raised by his father in the last few decades of the war, Zane was primed to follow his father into the military and become a mobile suit pilot as his father was. Because of this Zane found himself enlisting at the age of fourteen as part of the logistics and maintenance teams, there he learned to look after the basic needs of Jaunde's small core of mobile suits such as reloading the weapons systems and replacing damaged armour plating. A few years passed and Zane applied to train as a pilot and was fast tracked in part by his fathers service record and by Zane's own enthusiasm displayed through his brief years of service. As a result Zane actually saw combat from the cockpit of a mobile suit in the last few years of the war and in several skirmishes after. A approximately five years after the close of the war, Jaundes ruling council chose to send a delegation to (what's the name of the city we start in?) in a gesture of goodwill and with the hope of trade. The delegation managed to set up a compound of sorts inside the city limits where they could coordinate trade shipments and their own interests within the city, also part of the compound was a small hanger for two-to-three mobile suits in case such units were required to protect the compound. Zane was one of the pilots assigned to the compound and spent most of his time at local bars getting to know the people in the district, performing upkeep on his mobile suit, participating in several target shooting clubs that popped up around the city and indulging in his only try passion outside the military, racing. Over the last few years in the city, Zane has through trade, salvage and a few favours from the mechanic friends, been able to rebuild a high performance motorcycle which he takes considerable pride in. A month ago, when the unknown mobile suit attacked the city, Zane responded along with almost every other combat unit in the city. He never even saw the attack that crippled his suit and was one of the lucky few to survive the battle. The staff at the Jaunde compound quickly retrieved his suit after the battle and hastily made repairs in the aftermath of the battle, lest the unknown suit return. Zane on the other hand was just happy to be alive and at the same time angry at the pilot of the enemy mobile suit, the suit at his right during the attack had been piloted by a long time friend of Zane's by the name of, Cory Daniels and he had not been as lucky, if anything it was his actions that saved Zane and left his suit salvageable. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] -His military disciplined upbringing has had a side effect of Zane often seeking violent and occasionally highly dangerous ways to blow off steam/release anger. -Somewhat morally grey, Zane doesn't think twice about killing those he sees as enemies and will even go so far as to rationalise killing the unarmed or critically injured who are unable to fight back. On a slightly lighter side he has a small habit of 'borrowing without permission' and despite others reactions he sees nothing wrong with it, after all he always intends to return what he borrows. -Zane is also a gambler, cards, dice, races, Zane will lay a bet on many things and its cost him more than a few weeks of drinking money, among other things, over the years. [b]Mobile Suit[/b] [b]Model:[/b] TMF/A-802 BuCUE [b]Specialization:[/b] Ground Combat, High Speed Mobility [b]Appearance:[/b] Zane has given his BuCUE a custom paint job of black with orange highlights but is otherwise standard in its appearance. [img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090524122839/gundam/images/2/2d/Tmfa-802.jpg] [b]Weapons:[/b] -2-Barrel 450mm Railgun mounted on back turret -Double-Edged Beam Saber mounted on either side of the mouth. [b]Capabilities:[/b] -Back mounted rail guns are capable of longer range than many conventional weapons and due to the BuCUE's quadruped design, it is able to fire steadily, without worry of recoil or kickback. -'Tank Mode' The BuCUE can crouch and use its caterpillar treads for movement allowing for even higher speeds in open terrain. -Another benefit of the Quadruped design, aside from generally increased land speed, is the distributed weight of the BuCUE giving it greater balance and more nimble movement across irregular and difficult terrain than humanoid suits. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] -Lacking manipulators the BuCUE is limited to its integrated weapon systems and is unsuited for utility work (though it could likely make an effective tow truck) - Incapable of flight, the best the BuCUE can manage is to get a decent jump but flight is out of the question at this point in time, makes usage in space almost impossible for that reason as well. -The BuCUE has relatively light armour, capable of withstanding impacts from conventional hand weapons such as rpg's but needs to rely on its speed and maneuverability against better armed targets.[/hider]