[img]http://www.mrwallpaper.com/wallpapers/new_tn2s/nidy-2d-anime-girl_tn2.jpg[/img] [b] " I see..you..." [/b] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Kurai tamashi[/i] [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Faction:[/b] Neutral [b]Personality:[/b] Kurai is a very timid person, seemingly cold too the heart as she stares at many with her dark red eyes. Kurai doesn't seem entergetic keeping quiet as if there was no sound around her. Having a eery look she barely says any words but simply, " I...see...you " though when she does attempt too talk her voice becomes very low and at a point where it is a whisper and too say the least Kurai doesn't want anyone near her nor speaking too her. Though she can handle crowds at some points but will usually parkour through the roofs of the city. [b]History:[/b] " Sh-..Shes..a Demon! " The words first used by a mum and dad. My red, blood like eyes and my pale, snow like skin. Though I didn't cry when I was a baby, only breathed and shifted around. Those around were afraid but, seemingly the doctor wasn't. The results were normal like everybody else and was sure I was no demon. But alas I took a personality of a demon. As a child my parents kepted me locked out for the, " Neighbors Good " Though when ever some saw me the'd be afraid and run away or laugh an walk away. My parents didn't treat me as well..before. Every little mistake I did they would get very angry and slap me. I felt abused..at those times. I cried in my room asking my very self, " Why..Why does it have too be like this?! " A few years later I was 6 years old. It was oddly active and very hot on those days. Seeing children laughing, talking too each other seemingly soothed my mind. My parents seemed at ease as well. Though when ever they still looked at me they just..blankly stare. Past the years my life seemed quiet. My parents calmed down and barely talked too me anymore. The neighbors nearby were at peace? I didn't exactly know but...It just became quiet. Fast foward at the age of 10. My parents suddenly left me. Alone only the house and whats left of it. Though I seemed more happy that my parents were gone, learning from the chores I did from the past years I seemingly though that I could do so, finally I began, trying and start going out into the world too see what it actually is. 4 years passed..and my life has changed... [b]Tome[/b] [b]Name[/b] The Tainted Crystals [b]Color[/b] Transparent White [b]Shape[/b] Diamond [b]Ability[/b] When activated the diamond splits into shards floating around the user. When command the user will make hand movements telling the shards too attack or not. Though it can change its elemental state too fire or water and when these elements are used the will leave a blue or red trail. Water for example, when hit the opponet will slightly jump back leaving a wet area where the opponent was hit. Fire, when hit will the opponet will feel his body temp heat up, close too boiling his/her blood, causing the opponent too faint and also leaving behind a burned spot at, where the user hit and lastly the gem of the dark soul, seemingly Kurais final attack and once it is used each shard of the diamond will break into random shapes of shards, surrounding the user thus allowing her too create various weapons and other things in combat (Will be shown )