Gah, sorry for yet another double post, but I wanted to share with everyone this war's Overseer! This is to give an idea to others on how they should make their Servants, but obviously they wouldn't be this strong in terms of abilities unless the Servant has extremely good reasons, but even then is debatable. The Overseer is meant to keep others in check with fear, and to ensure that they stay on the designated path that he so chooses if one loses their way. Like I mentioned earlier, Servant true names and Noble Phantasms would be PMed directly to me so that I may have a record! --- [*]Class: Overseer![/*] [*]Master: The Holy Grail[/*] [*]Alias: The Overseer, Protector, or Kalameet (He made the name up off of the top of his head) as he tells people.[/*] [*]Gender: Male[/*] [*]Height/ Weight: Unknown[/*] [*]Alignment: Unknown[/*] [*]Appearance at all times: [url=]Stylish![/url][/*] [*]Personality: Friendly, yet cynical; calm, yet hyper; heartwarming yet fear-inducing. Just a few terms to describe the Overseer that the Holy Grail has created to find its one true bearer. Kalameet doesn't seem to care too much for the casualties of this war, but instead seems as if he wishes to test those who dare to uptake the challenge and claim the Holy Grail. He will do whatever it takes to ensure that someone worthy is chosen... even if it means making things far more difficult than they were ever meant to be.[/*] [*]Stats: (From E to A+, E being the worst, A+ being the highest)[/*] [*][indent]Strength: B[/indent][/*] [*][indent]Endurance: B[/indent][/*] [*][indent]Agility: A+[/indent][/*] [*][indent]Magical Energy: A++ (Normally it would not be this high, but due to the Holy Grail as his Master, he has tremendous amounts of energy.)[/indent][/*] [*][indent]Luck: C[/indent][/*] [*]Class Abilities: [/*] [*][indent]Magic Resistance (EX): While he has a naturally strong Magic Resistance, it has been elevated even further thanks to the Holy Grail.[/indent][/*] [*]Personal Skills: [/*] [*][indent]Revelation (-): A skill that Kalameet was given due to his unorthodox nature. An instinctual-like skill, Revelation is an ability that allows him to always see the right path. The 'truth' of the world and its future can said to always be seen with his eyes.[/indent][/*] [*][indent]Saint (-): While Kalameet himself doesn't particularly believe that this skill should be associated with him, he was given this skill thanks to the unclear legends and myths surrounding him. This particular ability grants him an increase in recovering from his wounds.[/indent][/*] [*][indent]Riding (EX): The Overseer, due to his true purpose and his great status, is capable of riding and operating anything, even beyond their normal capabilities and raising them to something of a divine level. The truest reason for this skill is still unknown, only that it ties to his true identity, and can be related to how powerful of a rider he is compared to his siblings.[/indent][/*] [*]Noble Phantasms: Unknown as of now.[/*]