Zzyxx decided to follow Nixon. He decided then to find the vampire group and make them a deal they can't refuse. "Nixon I'm going to go ahead of you to start negotiations with the vampire group. You can come in with a spectacular entrance." Zzyxx smiled very slyly. He always got the better deal. This time would be no different. Of course he'd be fair in his negotiations at first. Then if things turned sour he would have to emotional tap to get what he wanted. Zzyxx looked and Nixon with a look of is my plan alright. Nixon gave a nod and Zzyxx took off. He got in his black Mercedes and drove, speeding, towards the shipping yard the scouting report said the group was spotted. Zzyxx parked the car and started to walk around looking for the group. ---- Maggie's antagonizing tone made him frown. Dark Dexter started to laugh. "Did you think that she wouldn't find out?!" Dark Dexter couldn't stop laughing. The laugh irritated Dexter since it felt like his otherself was laughing right in his ear. Nevertheless, Dexter decided to be semi-honest with Maggie."My dear Margaret, vampires are a dying creature. Hunters, humans really, are trying to steal our spot on the food chain. They hate the fact we're more dangerous than them. That's why I decided to save our species. We make a colony that's safe and hunter free for vampires to live in." He approached Margaret. He embraced her in an apologetic way. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." The laughing from Dark Dexter suddenly stopped. "You're a great actor...I'll be damned. That was a very good improv monologue. Especially how you lied. Like I told you, a great lie is built off a kernel of truth." Dexter let go of Margaret. She yelled very loudly so Dexter wasn't surprised if Margaret woke the whole town. ---- Zzyxx heard a woman shriek in rage. He decided to check the commotion out and walked.in.the general direction of the yell. He soon came to a shipping container with two people, creatures more likely, the man seemed very apologetic, but for somw reason Zzyxx felt unnerved by him. He listened to their conversation from a distance as he could hear things with his advanced senses. As soon as the conversation ended, Zzyxx decided to make his appearance. He walked towards them clapping. "I see you guys made up. Now, kiss each other and let's get to discussing business." Zzyxx said in his cold manner. "I'm sorry, my manners are horrible. I'm Zzyxx, but you can call me Mr. Dean, or Dean. That's not the point; the point is your in this town where my colleague wants you out. It's his turf. We already have enough trouble with the hunters trying to kill us all, so we don't want a bigger blood bath. Do we?" Zzyyx back and forth from Dexter to Margaret. "After all, it'd be a shame if I hurt a pretty face like this." Zzyxx said stroking Margaret's face. Dexter glared and clenched his fists. Nobody threatened his children! Dexter gritted his teeth and said, "threaten my group again and I'll kill every single one of you. No hesitation. No mercy. Pure blood bath. Are we clear?" Dexter threw a punch at Zzyxx. Zzyxx felt the punch connect in his human's gut. "Being a demon it'd take a lot more to hurt me." Zzyxx said punching Dexter with full strength. The punch sent Dexter flying into the shipping container denting it. "You sonovabitch" Dexter grunted. Zzyxx looked over his shoulder. He laughed. "Oh my colleague he's here to continue negotiations." Zzyxx said smiling cruelly at Dexter's hurt form.