[b][i][center]Villain[/center][/i][/b] --- Robin just shrugged to Jonnie’s answer. Ze was pretty sure that they were the ones who would gain more from additional space but didn’t feel like arguing. Robin didn’t see kobolds as a great threat, but if they were fighting against themselves they would definitely be an easy opponent. [i]“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” But it’s a bit annoying to be the only one to see it. Argh, better to just stand it. It’s not like I really have any options.[/i] Robin could not help but wonder how zir companions’ parents could have stood zir mother without killing her on the spot. Robin was pretty sure that she had been an extremely annoying person. Well, it’s not like ze actually knew anything or would have chance to know. [i]This is the most random orphanage I’ve ever heard or.[/i] Ze uttered a bit laughter for thinking this place as an orphanage. [i]Technically this place kind of is. We ended up here after our parents died, after all.[/i] When Jonnie said that she might wait unless someone had a towel and was able to use it with the speed of light, Robin answered: “Well, I may be able to use some drying magic, but definitely not with the speed of light. “ “May” was a pretty accurate term. Robin had just a while ago started to learn that spell and zir chance of succession with it was about 50-50.