My CS! Name: Emily Kabal Age(15-25): 18 Gender: Female Appearance: [img][/img] (Dress and all) Personality: Emily can, coming from a noble family, appear pretentious and snooty at times, but this is exactly how she wants to come off. THe lower riff-raf have no place fraternizing with someone of her high station, begone peasant. She can also have bouts of nuttiness, often brought on by people talking, looking at, breathing the same air as, or existing within the same square mile as her lovely Casina, but can also just spontaneously come out of nowhere. A good example would be 'i'm a little tea pot, short and stout... this is my handle, smash the tea pot, it's evil! it doesn't deserve to live die! die! diiiieeeee!'. She can, as shown above, be rather possessive of her things, and sees people she likes as her things. Equipment: Everything. She has a train of servants to carry everything a young woman would need in her life, and makes use of it all at some point or another. History:Emily was born into a noble house, where her parents, and family for many generations where known to be insane on occasion, thus sprouting the unofficial name for the family residence 'The Gilded Asylum'. Of course, it wasn't really an Asylum, asylums keep the crazy in, but in Emily's house, the crazy flourishes. As a child, and a teenager, and since birth really, she had been given everything she wanted, and taught to stand above the mud covered peasants who are always crying about being repressed, bloody peasants. One day she was staring out of the window, and saw a young peasant girl that she would later learn was called 'Casina Regulus'. She told her father that she wanted this girl, and thus the great emotional bond between the two began, with a kidnapping, obviously. Paired with: Casina Regulus Emotional bond description: Stockholm Syndrome Artifact(Knight only): God Slayer Artifact description/pic: [img][/img]. This spear can be imbued with the magic of the person bonded to the wielder, and amplify it to a certain extent, allowing shocking attacks. The spear can also be thrown with the person's strength and her partner's magic, turning it into what resembles a Lightning Bolt, and increases the penetration considerably, but still focuses mainly on how strong the wielder is. However, the Mage does not need to consent for the spear to absorb their magic, simply that it hits the spear.