Starfire showed up in the Justice League Beyond era as a possible League member, so I could see her being in this era's Justice League along with Static. I'll get a League roster figured up to give you guys something to work with... --- Name - Kilian Darukk Alias - Ditto Age - 21 Sponsor - Superman Personality - serious, headstrong, stubborn Powers - heightened physical attributes and increased strength [25 tons max lift], as well as unlimited duplication, and a telepathic link to every duplicate Weaknesses - while stronger, faster, and more durable than most humans, Ditto can still be harmed by anything an average human would be. It should be noted his t-shirt and jeans are made with a kevlar titanium wool mesh. The original Ditto also feels severe pain of his duplicates, so if one gets a broken bone or killed he'll feel it however momentarily it can sometimes lead to blackouts. Appearance - [img=] BRIEF Bio - Kilian crash landed on Earth a little over a year ago while travelling the stars, in Metropolis no less, and shortly after began moonlighting as a superhero when Superman was away. A native of the planet Cargg, Superman was familiar with Ditto's alien heritage from his experience with the Legion of Superheroes from the 30th century. After meeting the hero in costume after a run-in with Parasite, the older Superman discovered out of costume he was living in homeless shelters while one of his duplicates performed on the street for pocket change. He was sponsored by Superman for the YJ team in Star City and was quickly labeled a mischief maker and dimwit by the other young heroes. After his trip to Metropolis everything changed and Ditto was more responsible and a little stronger in terms of power. What's Changed - During a trip back to Metropolis Ditto's #3 disappeared. Unknown to the young hero who was now just a two man team, his third duplicate was captured and experimented on by Cadmus. After cracking the Carggite genetic code and giving the duplicate the ability to duplicate as well, #3 escaped and after absorbed by the original Ditto the original gained a power upgrade. Now distant from his duplicates, Ditto is more of a leader and looks at his heightened strength and numbers as an unlimited human resource. Ditto would later stop an army of Superman clones with the ability to duplicate along with the original Man of Steel. Notes - Ditto went a complete 180 degrees from being a class clown type to being a leader. Learning to deal with compromise and adapting to overcome. League status isn't out of his reach now and any day he could get a call to assist the League, as well as a few others in the YJ program. After a year, metahuman crime in Star City has went down 20%. --- ~KL~