@Gat: Zane is fine, accepted. @Ruby: Accepted, with a small number of changes. Firstly, we'd prefer is you halved the number of beam gun/sabers, just to keep it a little more balanced. Two seems a little overkill. The other change is just for backstory; it'd be preferred if you nixed any mention to the original Psycommu unit, just because Newtypes haven't been elaborated on in this universe yet. Other than that, it's fine. Just remember that the TWINS switch is meant to keep the Qubeley's power reasonable, so don't try to circumvent its limitations too much. @MysT3CH: Onarax and I talked. We're permitting the flight in atmosphere, as long as a. it isn't possible while weapons are in use, and b. it is a limited flight. Not very quick, mostly useful for transportation.