[quote=Athos] Cole looked dully at Angelo as the questions droned on. "First of all, that wasn't a threat. It was a promise. You want to know who I am but I want to know what it matters to you? I'm the guy that fucked your mother and left the ugly bastard child that's asking a million questions if that satiates your curiosity. Also known as Cole. Why did I blow up the capital? I dunno, again, what's it to you? I thought you Librarian types didn't like the Unity anyways. Maybe I was just bored." "Where would I rather end up? Certainly not tied to a chair, sweetheart, if that's what you mean."Cole's usual polite demeanor had given way to something with a reptile's heart. This was the side of Cole that murdered shopkeepers, exploded hotels and construction sites, and lied to Justicars. "Oh, I'm sorry. You must be expecting something more subservient." His tone transformed again into a surprisingly real sounding hysteria, perhaps aided by his psychopathy and broken mind. "Please, oh please Mr. Librarian! Let me go! I'm just a poor child whose sis got shot by the mean ole Unity officers! I never meant to hurt anyone, I just want to go home to mommy and daddy and tell them how sorry I am for murdering all those people! Please, oh please, let me go or whatever shall I do?" "Better?" Cole snarled as he wiped his alligator tears on his shirt. [/quote] Angelo laughed a little grinning at him "oh you are so much of a tough guy huh? ill admit despite being in a cave and "promising" to kill us if you don't have your way its actually cute. Now make no mistake, we hate the unity as much as you but you think we would try destroying a building with innocent people inside, we kill those that are the ultimatum not those that have nothing to do with it. Even the alligator tears almost makes me think your slightly insane, now I can tell everything I need from you so ill give you one chance. If you ever say you aligned yourself with the librarians I will make sure you die in the most painful way possible. If you make any attempt to kill innocent people then ill make sure to send you a message about it. By the way im not a librarian im THE librarian" Angelo warned and he pistol whipped him in the head knocking him out and Angelo turned to redo and ed and said "get him out of here and make sure he doesn't find us" Angelo said as he walked out of the tunnel to leave redo and ed to deal with the rouge fraction that had no sense of decency or for that matter any brains when it came to choosing and picking his targets. Making sure to drop the time into one of the tunnels as he left