[center]Erin Keller[/center] At Andy's comment her eye narrowed and the spoon lowered. She lost all motivation to attempt to give back the spoon and or start a fight once Alice appeared and smiled in her cute little way, and as she turned to leave another shape appeared beside her. Amelia, the mute one. A friendly, somewhat forced, smile met her lips, but faded as the girl showed confusion over the spoon, "Oh, this belongs too..." Her finger drifted upwards, but it seemed as though Amelia was already distracted by Andy, as Erin deduced from the brunette's red face and wild waving. A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she nodded another farewell, half-listening to Andy's babbling as she thought of simply giving the spoon to Jin as to save herself from the trouble of delivering it herself, but all ideas vanished when two familiar faces joined the fray. Two MALE faces. Instantly she backpedaled away from the two, taking cover behind the small body of Amelia as her eye sharpened and sent dark glares their way. Dog, who was a lot less scary when standing next to his behemoth of a brother, greeted the two cheerily and remained a respectful distance away. Erin didn't hate Dog as much as she did other men, he seemed friendly and stupidly cute and kind enough to realize her fear. He even suggested to help her out, offering to have his brother deliver the spoon in her stead. At this suggestion Erin moved away from Amelia slightly, the glare fading as she nodded, "That'd help a lot, actually." Instead of handing the spoon over, though, she took her time to place it on the ground and kick it towards the feet of the two men. Erin had made the mistake of making eye contact with Cat, which was giving her a few too many chills to handle, and once the spoon was as close to the brothers as possible she headed towards the door. "I'd love to stay and chat but, ya know, I gotta.... Yeah... See ya." She called over her shoulder, crutching up the front steps and into the building. She had her fill of people for the moment, and to tell the truth, she felt kind of sick. So, as quickly and carefully as she could, Erin rushed up the stairs and entered the second floor of the complex. Her apartment, 2F, was located to the far right of the building, and with loud, thumping footsteps (which was all she could manage, to be honest) Erin made her way to the unlocked door and entered, letting out a heavy, tired sigh. The room, unlike the hall just to her back, was filled with cool air and sunlight. She must have accidentally left the air conditioner on last night, oops. The cripple entered fully, closing the door behind her with her shoulder before curtching over to the living room, collapsing fully onto the floor with a thump, just in front of the couch. A loud meow and black shape entered moments after Erin ceased moving, curling up beside the girl, and Erin moved only slight to wrap her arm around the cat's small body, letting out a lazy sigh, "Afternoon, Cinder." She mumbled into the carpet. Things to do swirled in her brain, take a bath, change, start a new chapter, but the ever looming achiness of her limbs was holding her back. [i]'I'll start later... Rest now.'[/i] --- [center]Cody Mensah and Lucy Coure[/center] [b]"Hey, Princess, open up!"[/b] Lucy glanced up from her breakfast and afternoon cartoons, turning her attention to the sliding door that was just out of her line of vision. Seems like Kenzie wants to hang out. A large grin met her face as she turned down the TV and scrambled up from the couch, running over to the glass door. The rock star stood, grinning as she normally did, with a glass of milk (and cereal?) in hand and a guitar case on her back. Lucy waved excitedly and opened the sliding door with just a bit of effort. "Hi, Kenzie!" She greeted cheerfully, brushing a strand of hair from her face. Lucy couldn't help but admire her neighbor, a rock star with a cool fashion style and friendly personality. She was all Lucy aspired to be, well, save for the rock star part. Despite thinking she was good at everything, Lucy knew how tone deaf she actually was, and wished to save the people of this planet from hearing her awful, cracking voice. Nonetheless, Kenzie was a role model for Lucy, and she was going to [s]play with[/s] treat her like one! "Come sit down, we can eat breakfast together!" Lucy took Kenzie's free hand and lead her inside, giggling to herself. The rock star always seemed to visit whenever Cody was working, and Lucy could only deduce that she was worried for her well being. Lucy pulled Kenzie to the couch and then finally released her, returning to her own seat as she patted the cushion next to her, inviting the older girl to join her, "You sit here, I'm all set up already, see?" Lucy pointed to her own breakfast setup, grinning ear to ear as if she were showing off something amazing.