Ash glanced outside the window, "Hooray! Also I call dibs on all viscera!" Ash frantically turned his head around, "You heard me, I called dibs on their innards!" Ash rubbed his hands together, "Oh boy, I can tell this is gonna be fun! Hopefully there are like, a lot of people, so they can all be skinned! OOOH! OOOH! Yeah, that'd be fun. Or maybe burning them! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Fire is fun, and they'd probably scream a lot like..." Ash coughed as he began talking in a mocking voice, "Waaah! I'm on fire! I'm on fire!" Ash stuck out his tongue as he began giggling a bit, "Eheheheheheh.... AH, I wonder if they are screamers." He raised his metallic arm as he leaned his chin on it, as his face turned into a much more serious expression as he began moving his left hand with his index finger stretched out as he moved it up and down. "KAY!"