Dog grinned happily as she picked up the spoon before cheerily waving Erin as she quickly made her exit. [b]"Okay bye bye have a nice morning! Uh I mean afternoon!"[/b] she yipped before looking up at Andy curiously as he held out what looked like a cup. She wasn't sure what it was, but it seemed to be some sort of food and she was tempted to ask for. After all, that riceball didn't fill her up and some free food sounded something to die for. Of course, Cat took interest at the offer as well, his large left hand snatching up the utensil from his twin's grasp before wasting no time in scaling the side of the building. His fingers digging into any little crack and his powerful legs pushing him up further. In no time, he reached the younger male's balcony and vaulted over the railing. Calm blue eyes looking down at the much smaller individual, his right hand didn't hesitate to take the cup before simply leaning against the railing and starting to eat it sight the spoon. Obviously uncaring where he was or who was in his presence. Just perfectly content in getting a child's snack. Dog's jaw dropped a little as she watched her brother before face palming herself. [b]"Bro! Don't just take people's food like that and eat it all casually! And at least give me some instead of inhaling it."[/b] she shouted up at him, only to be ignored as the larger twin continued eating in a calm slow manner. [b]"Ca---"[/b] she was about to continue until something cool and sticky smacked against her face. It was a spoon flicked piece of jello from above. Her brother having somewhat granted her request without even looking at her, before continuing on ignoring her. Groaning, the brunette started wiping her face before licking her hand, glaring up at him. It soon faded as she broke out in a laugh and grinned at Amelia. [b]"Never changes."[/b] she snickered.