Some part of Maggie saw the rational side to Dexter’s statement and wanted to simply agree with him and be happy. She shook that off trying to hold onto being angry at him; after all he basically killed her. Surprisingly he was more sympathetic and gentle with her than she suspected he would. He talked to her as if she was a skittish animal or a child, she really felt like a combination of the both. The comfort he offered her would have seemed genuine if she weren’t so….observant of everything now but his concern for her didn’t reach his eyes, its seemed like it was almost there but something was blocking it. She was completely aware that Dexter talked to himself a lot. Right off the back she saw but was too afraid to confront him about ANY of it, she didn’t want him snapping on her. The embrace shocked her the most, he was warm. When he first took her his body was so cold and hard but it felt normal now. Nice almost, she had felt so alone for the past few days that she had no choice but to let her eyes flutter close and clutch onto him for dear life. When he let her go she avoided looking at him at all costs, she felt embarrassed and mad at herself for literally turning into putty in his hands for him to manipulate. The presents of the new cocky man confused Maggie at first he looked human but he didn’t smell anything like the man Dexter had a few nights ago and she confirmed it when the bastard rubbed his hot hand across her face causing her to shiver and move away a deadly glare upon her face. She could sense Dexter’s anger and tenseness and she mirrored to match it something that she’d do often if she didn’t watch herself and growled, yes growled, at the strange smelling man. Everything happened so quickly after that, next thing she knew, her maker was flying to the shipping container, “Dexter!” panic flooded over her as she zipped to him, but he was on the roof in a second held up by his throat by a vampire this time. Maggie set her hunter’s eyes on the vampire and scrambled to get to the top of the building pushing back the weakness she was feeling at the animal blood wearing off depleting her energy. Viciously she slammed as hard as she could into the vampire attempting to tear his arm off if she had too to save Dexter.