"That's true, but...," Lily started, her voice sounding at least somewhat more stabler than shortly before. It was all so confusing. Just like Kenneth said, she [i]was[/i] enjoying herself during at least a part of the battle, if only due to Gabriel's constant cheeriness. But then that jerkface of a cook grabbed him, and punched him over and over again, and... "It's just that-, why do we need to play by some kind of code, when there are people like him that don't do the same?," Lily continued, pointing at the cook who apparently was not enough of a bother for anyone to bother dragging him off. "I know that people get hurt all the time. It's just..." The young girl's voice drifted off for a moment before she went on with her story. "It's so dumb to get hurt just because you want to play fair. Monsters don't play fair either, you know. They don't play fair at all. They'll suddenly strike without warning, attacking completely friendly creatures in the middle of the night. Why should we then in turn fight them fairly, when they kill our sisters and destroy our homes?" Somewhere along the route, Lily's topic changed from simply talking about their current situation to how she got into this quest in the first place. Whether Kenneth or not would realize this was not really something the Sprite cared about at the moment; honestly, she didn't even truly realize it herself. "You're right though," Lily broke the silence. "I can help people. I [i]want[/i] to help them too. I'd just liked it if they wouldn't need the help in the first place, you know? As childish as that may sound..."