Race Ideas, borrowed some of Shoopthewoop's sheet. Species: The Imperium Home-World: Planet One Description: The Imperium are a race controlled by the ever watching eye of its government. 1984-esque methods are used to keep the populace in check, obeying the strict laws of the government and ensuring that everything runs smoothly. Everyone is happy in The Imperium race because everyone who doesnt pretend to be happy is taken away, never to be seen by family or friends again. Appearance: [img=http://suwarnabumi.wdfiles.com/local--files/tiyanak/tiyanak.png] 4 feet in hegiht, Nimble and speedy but with weak muscles. Coming of Age: 14 years old Coming of Age Rite: Exam to decide what there job will be. Depending on job they will continue to further education or begin work. Marriage: Marriage must have government approval. Marriage is for reproduction puposes only. Outsiders: The government is open to beneficial trading agreements aslong as other races do not attempt to influence The Imperium's Rulers: The ruling body of The Imperiums is 'The Government' the public speaker of 'The Government' is 'Mr White' whos identity is never revealed. He has always ruled and is shown to be immortal to the general public. In actuality Mr White is fictional and just an embodiment of all government representatives. Military: Due to The Imperium's small stature (4 feet in height). Technology is used to compensate. The Imperium Military and police force ride in mechs which enhance there speed and strength. Although bulky, the suits are tough armour plated and provide sufficient firepower.