[img]http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NTI0WDgwMA==/$(KGrHqR,!igE6M5wILm(BOv!pi7)lw~~60_35.JPG[/img] The house plan is a simple one. Each tenet gets a room containing a bed, closet and a desk with a old lamp. The main floor plan has the rooms on the second floor the dinning room and indoor gym and library on the first floor the third floor is of limits and shouldn't be gone as Mrs. Hansbag lives there with the staff and shouldn't ever be disturbed. Backstory: [hider]Walking down the street you bump into a tall man wearing a top hat and a tux. Muttering sorry he hands you a note and starts to walk away. As you open the crinkled letter it says Dear he/she, You have been accepted to live in Bottom Creak Boarding House. If you choose to come and get off the street you will have things you must do but we can get to those later. Come to the road at 5th av. and Bottom Creak Rd, Say you need to meet Mrs. Hansbag at the Gate the guard will let you in. Remember you don't have to come but we insist. From, Mrs. Hansbag[/hider]