DACYRIA HIGH ORBIT --- Jason waited for a response to his message; the atmosphere in the room was filled with trepidation and though the weapons officer seemed relived the others in the station were clearly on the verge of breaking down. Jason reflected on the fact that not one of them was a soldier, scientists and civilians, him included. They had been told this job would be perilous, this planet lethal, for those who had no choice but to go the station seemed safe, high above the danger. How wrong they all were, in an hour it had become the very definition of danger, and now all their lives sat on a precipice. The silence had been brutal this time, and the alarm that sounded was almost relief had it not been for what it symbolized. A single voice shouted out, “Unknown ships are firing! We have multiple shots coming off the ships!” Jason didn’t bother looking for its speaker, he simply shouted back, beginning to give into the same panic as the rest of them, “They at us? Yes or no!” The voice responded, “No sir! We have confirmed hits on large debris that escaped our sensors; the rad belt from that blast blinded us more than we thought. That would have shredded us! Remaining debris contacts are small enough the debris shield to handle them… Did they save us sir?” Jason sat back and chuckled, the tension in the room seemed to fade away immediately, “Sure as hell looks like it, well folks it seems we are [i]not[/i] going to die, I don’t mind that turn of events.” Jason relaxed into his chair for the first time in an hour and conversation of a less anxious nature began to fill the room, and in that moment he was gone. The feeling could be called indescribable; however the only truly informative way of putting it was nauseating. Jason felt like reality was coming apart around him, every detail obvious and yet distant, the universe close enough to touch but too far to try. Nothing made sense, and yet in a second Jason was on solid ground, dazed beyond words. A towering feminine figure looked down on him but the world was still rotating and moving so the figure seemed little more than a blur, for a moment Jason heard her words, a name, Michon Aurel. Jason’s mind began to come to sense with the situation; however his stomach was not so kind. Just after the towering presence made her intent with the stunning realistic hologram depicting his station exploding Jason managed a nod. However he then keeled onto his knees and vomited all over the floor. The mess was fairly substantial and Jason couldn’t help but think that this was already a disastrous first contact. He struggled to his knees and responded weakly,” I... I understand.” There was the distinct reality Jason had just doomed his station, however he managed to secure himself against a wall and continue, “Sorry for that… I assume that was point to point teleportation then, interesting technology there but I can’t say it was a joy.” Jason managed to finally get back onto his feet and off the wall, he pulled a small tissue paper out of his uniform pocket and wiped his mouth. Eventually he went on, “As for who I am, my name is Jason Corsan, the acting commander of the high orbit logistics station which you happen to be aiming your guns at. Thanks for the save by the way, that radiation belt from those idiots blinded out sensors.” Jason knew it the second he said it, those idiots, the being before him would immediately pick up on that slip, two words was enough to convey prior knowledge. No way to hide the truth anymore Jason supposed, “Yes… I assume you want to know about that battle? I cannot say I am the best person to explain the politics but the truth is we do know who they were, and to an extent why they were fighting. The battle you witnessed was between two of the major human factions that have been fighting it out as of late. Really a civil war more like, but I suppose after four wars they begin to just call each other separate factions.” Jason stepped a bit closer to the strange figure observing him, “So, it’s obvious enough you have business here Michon Aurel. Colonization is my bet considering the size of the ships you have, if you wouldn’t mind not destroying my station a moment longer, and perhaps letting them know I am not dead, that would be good.” Jason was still in a bit of a daze, the words came off almost sarcastic and he struggled to hold onto the normal caution he so often exercised.