The merchant and former bandit known as Yangus was simply enjoying another day doing his job, finally making the honest living he wanted, before ending up in this void... Thing. He glanced around, unsure of what to make of it. "... Wot the 'Ell just happened?" [B]"Welcome![/B] "COR BLIMEY!" Yangus' eyes widened in surprise, the voice taking him off guard. "Wot's this all about?! Magical voices 'n such? I've seen enough o' those to last most men a lifetime, I have!" He was irritated, to say the least. He glared upwards, seeing nothing but black. "Mother o' me this place is 'loomy..." [B]"You have been selected to participate in a fighting tournament! One that has been going strong every year for 4 years now!"[/B] Yangus simply scratched his bum, now he was more confused. "Fightin'? Well why didn't ya say so? I'll have this here in the bag by tonight and get back home with wot'ever prize you've got... Wot prize do ya got?" [B]"Well...[/B] The voice seemed to, for once, not be as open about it, "You tellin' me you expect me to fight 'n this for nothin' but glory? I don't need none o' that." [B]"I was about to say,"[/B] The voice began, not seeming to like Yangus' attitude. [B]"There is quite a hefty prize, indeed. One that I'm sure a man like yourself will be satisfied with!"[/B] "Good." Yangus said, crossing his arms. "'Ery good. Now where do I start?" [B]"As soon as you're sent to the Battlefield! Which will be in Five! Four! Three! Two! One!"[/B] Yangus covered his eyes, the light that engulfed him blinded him effectively. The short man ended up in a more forested area, and he was unsure of what to think of it. "So, where's the fight?" He questioned to himself, looking around. He had no issue using his fists... But a weapon would be nice. He suddenly felt heftier than normal, and glanced back to his a large axe on his back. "Now that's some good magic!" Yangus laughed, loud enough to end up catching the attention of those in his general area. --- The armored hunter stood there, eyeing the surrounding black void. Standing ready in case of any assault. This place was odd, lifeless. There was nothing to detect here, at least nothing the hunter's armor could pick up. "Nothing..." Sylux muttered, about to take a step forward, before... [B]"Greetings, Bounty Hunter!"[/B] Raising The Shock Coil, Sylux turned quickly, looking for the source of the voice. There was nothing. The hunter stood there, prepared to fire at anything that came into view. [B]"I'm sorry, but there is nothing for you to combat just yet!"[/B] The voice made Sylux curious with the word "Yet". Slowly lowering The Shock Coil, the hunter began to listen intently. [B]"I've got your attention, that's good. You have been selected to participate in a fighting tournament, one that is known for attracting the strongest of fighters. We believe you'll spice things up, with your Shock Coil's draining abilities."[/B] Sylux simply stood there, unsure of what to make of this. A fighting tournament? It'd possibly be good for training, and they usually had good payoffs. It was doubted this competition would be anything more than a minor threat. The hunter stayed quiet, simply nodding in agreement. [B]"The quiet type, huh? You'll be fine, I'm sure! Off to the Battlefield with you, now![/B] Sylux became more alert as the light blocked all view of the surrounding area, and made it impossible to see what was taking place. Though soon enough the hunter seemed to end up in a grassy field. The terrain was different than what the hunter was used to. Good thing adapting wasn't a hassle. Scanning the immediate area, the hunter picked up readings on multiple lifeforms. Kneeling down, the hunter decided to observe what was happening before jumping in. There seemed to be two humanoids, and a strange small creature... If this was a fighting tournament, then it was only right to assume that they would show their fighting ability soon. Fighting against multiple targets at once was careless, and was a mistake this hunter wouldn't make unless the situation called for it. --- Viridian liked the odd giant. He was polite, which Viridian wasn't completely expecting. Of course, before he could respond, he heard the voice the giant did. "We should! I can't wait to see what other creatures there are in this dimension!" With that, he lead the way, heading towards the source of the sound with his big smile. He let his curiosity get in the way of the main point of this whole tournament, but he'd come around eventually. He looked back at the giant, noticing that no real introduction was made before something had to start happening. While going after the source of that sound, it was a better than never chance. "It's a pleasure to meet you, um... Giant creature! No offense, of course. But, aah... I didn't get your name. Mine's Viridian. Captain Viridian to some."