All things considered...The words of "punishment" and the like coming from their Master should have tipped Eika into worrying for her own life. Hell, as she was forced down and her clothing shuffled about, she should have had a million protests and twice that many concerns for her fate. But did she? Not in the slightest. Down with the ship she'd go, not so much as the smallest hitch in her breath at feeling the lips of the vampire upon her midsection. Ah, she wasn't one to fight what was earned, so if she was going to go now -- well, that would be a shame. She liked being alive and it'd make for some terrible stains to clean out if he killed her in bed- UWAH?! RASPBERRIES?! She flew into a fit of giggles, shrieks and a fit of laughter from the torment of having her stomach blown on slipping in and out of her reaction spectrum. What in the world was this?! TRULY, was he going to tickle her to death with these alone?! [i]"W-WAIT! WAIT! ANYWHERE BUT THERE! EEP! IT T-T-TICKLES!"[/i] That had to be the most shaming factor of any vampire that wasn't their Master in this moment as she squirmed around and even tried to hide her face behind both her hands and...hell, anything she could get her hands on! In this position, any other girl might consider themselves lucky (or unlucky?), but for the near-bared girl?! ...This was a form of torture! She couldn't stop laughing! [i]"O-Oh god! I'm s-s-sorry! Please- AHAHA! Forgive me, M-Master!'[/i] It took one hell of a household to make raspberries a punishment for its human slaves. But, hey. What was, was. Just as long as she didn't fall face-first off the bed.