[b]Hero[/b] --- "Ortega, Ella, Sharon. A pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. We are missing two. If they show, you will know who." She took Ella's hand and give it a quick but firm shake, her grip deceptively vice-like, and then broke off from the gesture. She bowed her head in a steady and deliberate manner, hoping to communicate that she meant no harm to them. She was not ignorant of her own...'charm', as it were. People who were not soldiers could easily be uneased by her presentation, even if she was just a recent graduate of a Military Academy. "I am Corporal Elise Sternn, daughter of General Mastricht Sternn." Elise introduced herself as a formality raising her head. "I'm also the one who arranged for us all to meet, in case you had not assumed that." Her voice was terse, unwilling to waste any more time. Her eyes were momentarily drawn to Sharon once again, making another mental note. Anxiety - a social weakness in her eyes. If she had her way, she'd hammer that dent out... but she'd wait for that. No need to rush. "I believe you three are aware as to why?" Elise asked, raising her brow in an inquisitive manner.