"You don't have to come you know." Eve replied with a smirk. If he was that against going to a bar, then why come in the first place? But she wasn't going to pressure him to stay home either. If he had a problem with going, and still went. Well, that was his problem. The streets were less busy now, and the street lights started to turn on everywhere. The place looked rather gloomy and dangerous like this. But Eve of course wasn't worried at all. She figured anything these streets could throw at her wouldn't be a problem. Once they hit the market district Eve started to ask around right away. Quite a few people told her to piss off, so she ignored those. And the people that were willing to help didn't seem to know of any place that had something for androids as well, since androids usually didn't need or want such things. 3/4 to even more of all brain chips weren't advanced enough for that. But finally Eve found a relatively intelligent android whom pointed her into the right direction. "This unit goes to a bar called 'Full Metal'." It answered. "The owner doesn't just let anyone in though." It then added. After getting directions Eve led the way to where they had to go. As they had passed the alley they had to go to earlier that day. And for her it was easy to form a map in her computers. Seeing a place one time was usually enough to be able to find it again. The bar was a little hidden away, in an alley one street away from the main one. It used the side entrance of an old warehouse-like building as main entrance, the large sliding doors having been welded to the frame so no one could pass through there. [url=http://5ofnovember.deviantart.com/art/dinner-time-411277794]Inside[/url] the atmosphere was pretty friendly compared to the other places they had been to. That is, until the large man managing the bar came walking right towards her and Jurgen. "I don't recognize you, pipsqueak!" The older looking man bellowed, his almost 6 foot tall frame stopping just before Eve. "Who told you you could just come in here?!" Without warning he threw a punch at Jurgen's face, not wanting to hit a woman but wanting to hit one of the two at least. However for that he had to go past the android, whom in turn grabbed his arm with her own before it could reach her owner. Normally Eve had no problem beating someone once they threw the first punch. But she really did want to find a bar, and angering the barkeep was a bad idea if this was a nice place. "Mind telling me why you're attacking my owner?" She asked, sounding annoyed. The man was quite surprised to be stopped by a weak looking woman. Especially since his own cybernetic replacements were of pretty good quality and strength. Though with that one move from Eve he already noticed that she wasn't just a normal woman, or even one with enhancements. "The hell? You're an android? How's that possible?" He growled. Eve just shrugged. "Beats me, I'm just a custom prototype." Slowly the man's mood started to change. He was quite interested in the android, and now also in the one who could create such a machine. "You, boy." He spoke to Jurgen. "You the one who built her?" (Hehe, I hope what just happened isn't too confusing, but still confusing enough for Jurgen. :P)