Prize flexed his right arm, looking at it with a critical eye. "My body has grown quite strong these days," he muttered, his helmet completely covering his face. It was ironic, considering how he was wearing full-body armor as he said this, but whatever he usually thinks that anything he thinks of is true until someone showed him the reality of something. But that did not mean Prize was stupid; no, he was just dense in many ways. He had potential for many things, and he decided to go down the path of a warrior. A warrior who would serve the kingdom of Gabriel with a loyal heart! Many things were needed to be studied and learned, and he was willing to learn them all if needed. As he wondered about how his family would fare while he was gone again, Prize looked over to several of the castle guards standing by the gate. They seemed to be doing a good job, and he was envious of them. Those gatekeepers got to just stand around and do literally nothing until they were given a separate task to do. Oh, how he wanted to try and see the glory of a gatekeeper! He truly wanted to be one- even for one day- and see what it's like to guard the castle. Whatever job that was directly related to the castle, he envied, for he never went inside before. Well, sure, he did once, but [i]only[/i] once. He never had the chance to see how awesome the interior fully looked. Interested in the castle guards, Prize stood up from the ground and walked over to one of them. This one did not seem to look that well, so he decided to talk to him. Why Prize likes to talk to the more quiet-looking individuals remained a mystery. "Greetings!" Prize said as he walked up to the guard. "I am Sir Prize, a warrior set on patrol duty in the local towns! I have but a simple question!" He was quite curious. Prize also wondered if the guards had to fight infiltrators and spies alike every day. "What troubles are there in guard duty, might I ask?" Prize asked, his eyes seeming to gleam with a little bit of admiration. "Surely, it must be a great task to guard the royal castle of Gabriel!"