Ishiya opened her mouth to say something to the man that walked passed them before her sister shook her head and looked completely confused. "How did I get here?" She said when she noticed someone was walking away. It was irritating that she would lose precious moments to these blackouts she always have now a days. And now she's standing in the forest with her younger sister and a strange man walking off. Every time she couldn't remember anything is like she drank so much that she just pass out on the floor. Turning back towards, she hopes, they were going, she just put her hands in her pocket. "Let's just finish our walk and get home before our mom has a bloody hernia." She told Ishiya while she walked deeper into the forest. Why they couldn't do this during the day is beyond her, but she likes the suspense this has. Ishiya shrugged and had to jog after her when she got a distance away from her. Like she wants to be left here on her own because Jaitheia decided to leave her. All these personality changes is beginning to make her believe that she has some kind of personality disorder.