It was the quiet before the storm. A flash of tongue as Mitsuki Ishikawa licked her lips. The air was full of moisture. There was something anticipatory about it. Light rain was the prediction. She was hoping for a typhoon. Everyone shuffled out of their classrooms and she was no exception. All her things had already been packed without fuss. But she did not go home with the press of the crowd and the laughs and conversation of her peers. She went up the stairwell instead. A thrill called her. The roof, the coming rain. But something unexpected stopped her. A girl standing there. One of the upperclassmen. Beyond her through smudged glass there was movement where there should have been none. Mitsuki caught the girl's attention as best she could. She waggled her eyebrows. Social hierarchy was forgotten. There was a smirk on her face, a sparkle in her eyes. Perhaps there was truth to the rumors.