Ed took Anglo to a table in the hide out and reddo went to go get a medic. When he arrived he checked all of Anglo’s wounds and shook his head. “He will live. But….” “But what” reddo demanded. “We do not have the medical supplies to mend this leg and if we do not get some he will never walk right again.” “Is there nothing you can do” ed said. “with the simple first aid kits that were in that truck… no. I would need hospital supplies” the medic said sadly. “well then we will get you hospital supplies” ed said with a smile. “Reddo are you wanted for being a rebel” “no I kill everyone who sees my face” “Oh lovely. Well I need your help” “Last time I heard that the next thing I knew I was dressed like a hooker” “Well then you’re going to love this even more. You get to be my girlfriend” Ed and reddo walked in to the hospital, reddo was playing up her wounds. “My girlfriend and I were cooking out and the propane tank exploded. I thank she is heart bad.” Ed said in his most desperate voice. It worked and they were pulling her away on a stretcher be for he could blink. It was to bad Anglo had not kept a low profile then he could have done the same trick with him. Ed waited outside the operating room. He waited till all of the staffs attention was on reddo then he entered the bathroom where there were no security cameras and put on a mask. Then he opened the air duct and crawled in. he searched till he found the storage room and dropped down. He looked at the list of meds he needed and began packing. Then he began on the other things that didn’t help Angelo like morphine or high value meds. Then he crawled back in to the air ducts retraced his tracks and returned to the bathroom and removed the mask. Thousands of dollars of meds stolen and it just looked like he had taken a poop. He left the bathroom and waited for the operation to finish. “She will be fine” the doctor explained “you just need to make sure she gets lots of rest” Ed nodded and pushed reddo out in a wheel chair. “Well looked at that we got meds and a wheel chair” ed said. “Hay I was thanking” reddo said in a dazed voice “we should build a big cannon and shoot the ultimatum with it” “Are you high?” ed asked. The doctors must have put her on something. “No I am right here on the ground” “yep definitely high”