Toby thought as he grabbed his things and hurried to the door, he had a shift to get too at the pawn shop and Ojii-san had promised him a gift after work for spending so much time getting everything cleaned up and organized. While he had no idea what the man had intended to give, he was really hoping that he was going to get that ancient samurai face guard Ojii-san kept behind the counter. That thing was worth twice it's weight in yen, and it would take him not eating for a month to gather up that kinda spending money even with his uncle's stipends.Ryo was being loud again about something or another as he was leaving, but then again he was always being loud about something. He instantly felt bad for the ruined structure. He couldn't help but feel that the thing must be in pain. In his distracted state he bumped into Sho and fell promptly on his butt. "tch tch tch." he rubbed the new sore spot that he landed on, "S-s-sorry! didn't see you standing there!" He quickly darted his eyes back and forth making sure nothing fell out of his backpack before jumping to his feet and bowing repeatedly. He didn't particularly dislike the boy, he wasn't mean by any means. Yet at the same time other students in general seemed to dislike Toby and usually when something starts off bad, it gets a lot worse when they found out it was him. It didn't help matters at all that Sho was far more imposing then Toby could ever hope to be and even standing he was a good foot or two taller.