[b][u]Rio de Janeiro, Brazil[/b][/u] The woman, in her thirties and is a reporter for the News Record walked out of the news van and landed on the street near the Hospital of the Federal State of Servers. She turned to the cameraman came out of the van with the camera and said to the woman, "Eu não posso acreditar que estamos perto do hospital, onde há pessoas que estão doentes lá.". The woman looked at the cameraman and said, "Ouça-me alto e claro, eles são seguros, e para aquelas pessoas doentes. Juro por Deus que estamos seguros." and then the driver got out of the van he's had his hands on the mic and said, "Não jurar em Deus, porque ele vai mordê-lo na bunda.". He then threw the mic towards the woman she's caught it before it could land on the ground and said, "Eu posso jurar sobre Deus quando e onde eu quiser. Vamos continuar com este "notícias de última hora.". She held onto her the mic and walked in front of the camera and began to wait the countdown until the guy she was on most televisions in Brazil. The guy reached to one and then the woman smiled and started to say, "Estamos no Hospital do Estado Federal dos Servidores, onde milhares de pessoas estão em, todo mundo estava com frio. Nós, da News Record está tentando obter informações para o hospital, mas não temos sorte até agora.". Then suddenly five cop cars with sirens on and Their packed in front of the station, each got out of the car and marched towards the hospital, but a few were in front of the hospital and one walked towards the woman. She then turned and said, "A polícia apareceu no hospital e passou sem razões até agora. Mas aqui está um oficial, vindo em nossa direção." the officer walked towards the woman and said, "Nós não estamos dizendo muito, mas o facto de um membro da equipe chamado depois que um paciente quando um louco e começou a atacar um dos médicos que tratam a pessoa.". The officer was in his fifties and looked like he was going to retire soon, but he had a job to do and he must do it until he is retired for good. The woman asked him, "Paciente atacar alguém, o que você quer dizer com isso?" and the officer said, "Ouça-me, minha senhora, não sei por que ele atacou o médico, mas estamos no caso." The officer walked away to the woman kept shouting, "Nós não é feito com a entrevista, senhor!" and he looked back and said, "Sim, estamos, senhorita. melhor.". Screaming of someone cut off the officer's sentence as it was so loud That It broke windows of cars and almost broke the camera lens, everyone near and in the hospital covered Their ears. And right after the loud scream, there were some shouting, then firing, and screaming again (but it was not as loud scream to the first). Everyone was then looking at the hospital even the cameraman was looking at it, showing everyone the horror, another officer raced towards his car and radio, an officer inside the hospital. "Diretor de Jose, você está bem?" said the officer and then he got a respond from the Jose he shouted, "Oh Deus, Adriano! O quarto paciente foi sangrenta, e em seguida, como dissemos nossos braços para ele, ele começou a gritar em voz alta. então ele mudando veio em nossa direção e ele me pegou e agora estou mordido por esse filho da puta! Sorte para ele, ele foi baleado e eles estão me levando para um andar diferente. Eu vou ficar bem ... por agora.". The woman ran towards the old officer and said, "Qual foi os gritos e tiros cerca de?" and he said, "Até agora, o que temos foi, o paciente que atacou o médico começou a gritar. Mais tarde, ele mudou para José e mordê-lo enquanto ele estava tentando afastá-lo. Mas ele foi baleado por outro policial ea ferida será cheque.". The woman then said, "Ele era o único paciente que atacou um médico, ou estavam lá mais?" and the officer looked towards the other officer at his car and said, "Você tem um ponto, perca, eu quero saber quem mais está atacando pessoas. Policial, rádio, José na linha.". He shook his head and then radio from Jose, but he got another officer on the line and the officer screamed the loud he can, "Ah Merda! A porta não pode segurar por muito tempo: se alguém está ouvindo isso, sair do quinto como o piso térreo é um banho de sangue e cheio de pacientes insanos! Eu sou o único oficial esquerda como o resto dos mortos ou ido para os outros andares. Se eu não fizer, por favor, diga a minha mãe que eu a amo.". The officer near the car said, "Senhor, não perca a esperança! Nós vamos tirar você!" in hopes of calming him down, but it did not work the officer screamed and started to cry to someone was hitting the door hard. Then more scream can be heard the he ran away and the door fell onto the ground and then the screams got louder and louder. Until one of the fifth floor windows broke and the officer and the patient fell from the window and landed onto a cop car. By that time, the screaming and gunshots could be heard, people were already near the building and as soon as the people fell onto the ground, They took a step back and some ran in fear, while other stayed to watch the thing unfold, the officers ran towards the body and one moved the patient's body as the officer had a bite mark on his neck. One of the officers stepped back in horror and then out of the random, the patient jumped towards the officer and attacked him, the officer (with the bite mark) ran towards the citizens. The officer jumped onto the kid and bit his leg and the kid's mom hit the officer with her bag and she was soon bitten. The events, that unfold in front of the hospital, the reporter hit hard the she could not believe what was going and then out of nowhere the cameraman grabbed the reporter by her arm and ran towards the van. The driver got inside and shut the door the he got into the driver's seat and then the van's door shut to both the reporter and the cameraman got inside. And while the crew was getting in the car, the hospital's main door opened up and ran out of the building people, some were bloody while other were attacking the officers. The van drove away for the hospital, but the woman turned around and looked towards the small window and saw the old officer being jumped by another officer. She began to cry out of control due to events, that happened in the team, that were near the hospital.