Marcus was laid down, with his back against the tree trunk, his eyes closed against the day to embrace the thoughts in his mind. A bright glimmer of light fell across his view, breaking the wonderful daydream, forcing his eyes open through slits to combat the intense glare. "Sunset" He muttered to himself with a grimace, shimmying his back further up the tree, until his head sat in the shade of the branches above. The hulking figure stood just off away from the him, gazing out over the high rise of their hill to look out over the ocean and its setting sun. Frank, the clay Golem, Marcus's faithful companion and what he liked to think of as friend. A wave of contentment radiated from the creature, finding it's way to Marcus, who smiled knowingly at the Frank's back. A stark shadow was cast along the ground from where Frank stood, falling all the way behind them toward the school, and judging by the sun, most of the clubs would be finishing up now. "Sorry to spoil it bud, but we've gotta get a move on" He said as he rose, running a knuckle over the ache in his back from where a stray knot of wood had dug in. Frank turned its body toward Marcus, its movements sounding like the run of loose gravel down a slope. A wave of reluctance swept over Marcus, quickly followed by acceptance. This was all he needed from Frank to know they were good to get a move on. The security team would need to be on hand in case of any incidents, duty bound to regulate any disagreements or remove them, he made his way toward the clutch of buildings in the distance. "Come on, it won't be that bad!" He chided, slapping the Golem on the calf of its leg as they walked, the sun sinking down further and further behind them. The creature replied with a slow and easy nod of the head, forcing another smile from Marcus, the buildings were close now.