Ugh. The main character seat. Why the hell had he been assigned the main character seat? Akira glared at the window next to him. Sidestepping responsibility was just [i]so much work[/i], and now the universe was hinting at even more trouble? He studied his reflection. His hair wasn't spiky or an unusual color. Alright. Good. That probably disqualified him. He'd have to be on the lookout, anyway. Make sure to avoid any mysterious girls with mismatched eyes and huge guns on the way home from school. God, he was being stupid. Akira sighed. An expressive sigh. A sigh that summed up life. "I know where I am right now, and I don't give a shit." That kind of sigh. He'd practiced sighing a lot. There were varied types of sigh, and Akira was a master of them all, from the "Are you kidding me?" to the "Screw this noise." Only a true expert in the field could tell the difference. Translation: no one else cared. That summed up life. Good for it. Oh. He was alone in the classroom now. That was probably a sign. As a member of the esteemed Go Home club, Akira didn't exactly have anywhere to be. No need to hurry. He could leisurely stroll home. Put on some chill tunes, continue not caring. The good life of mediocrity was the life for him. An intelligent man would have continued walking when he saw a strange girl peeking out from behind a wall at two other dudes on the second floor. Love triangle? Secret crush? The formulation of a crime spree? Akira didn't care, but he ended up watching her anyway for lack of a better thing to do. A sane man would have walked away when she began talking to the key chain in her hand. Instead, Akira loomed behind her and said "I think that you are very bad at spying. One out of ten. F minus. Redo the course. Make sure to pay tuition." He kept a straight face.