Deb openly swept her eyes up and down the man again, taking in the man's heavy accent, 'What is he...Polish, German?' she thought to herself. Her brow furrowed, and she wordlessly reached out for the newspaper, the man handing it over silently before returning his hand to his side, slightly clenched. Deb's eyes scanned the page of classifieds, seeing several apartment listings circled in red, hers included. She looked back up at the man, her eyes peering over the spine of the folded newspaper. God, she would drive her parents insane at this rate, gay drop-out considering sharing a home with a German, most likely. A small sneer twisted onto the corners of her lips. "Ok..." she drawled, slapping the newspaper down on the counter, before leaning back slightly and bringing her crossed arms to her stomach, " got a name?" Her eyes darted from the man's coat, to his briefcase, and then back to his face. "You got a job?"