[b]Character Theme[/b] - [URL=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StZEqrVQtZE]Collective Consciousness[/URL] [hider=Appearance][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/nockaholechica_24/Melyssa-ness/Cosplaying/future%20cosplay%20refs/lovrina.jpg[/IMG][/hider] ====================================================== [b]Name:[/b] Lovrina Senju [b]Alias:[/b] Klutz-chan [b]Clan:[/b] Senju [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Rank:[/b] Kage-level - Researcher in R&D [b]Personality:[/b] Lovrina, both at home or at work, is a complete klutz. Even during fight she often slips on something very stupidly and apologizes. Her sloppy behavior have made her feel less confident about her social skills as of course, she's also clumsy regarding what she should say during certain interactions. This is due to many years locked into her own, observational world filled with ambition to build gadgets. Indeed, despite appearing all belittled by her actions, she is a highly ambitious young woman with great hopes when it comes to achieving what she dreams of, and she is a dreamer alright. But staying with the self-confidence, since her childhood she's developed a deep case of stammering which is being treated as of today but remains still prolific to this day, however it is more or less present depending with who she speaks. She's also quite the softy as she will often apologize when hitting too hard an opponent or gravely wounding them. Her battle style is affected by this as she tries to "not hit too hard" at the start out of fear of hurting them too badly. Though some would believe she's a pacifist, she produces powerful technology and weapons used to ease the art of war and destruction. This side of her job is completely blacked out by her as she focuses mostly on how much progress her would could bring, setting aside what nasty effects they would have. She's also completely obsessed with cute things, whether they are people, animals or objects. She can't help but act hysterical toward whatever screams cute to her. Otherwise she's very helpful and a good listener, though she such a good listener that she dives into what her friends say and starts creating ideas based on what they seem to be suggesting. Her views on the empire are quite odd. She's quite happy that people are finally being unified under one big regime and free will is limited into a more collective act so that humanity can progress as a whole and advance when it comes to technology and science. However she's also aware of how frail such a structure is as it is obvious rebels keep coming and coming, for depriving a human being of certain freedoms is breaking their nature of searching for freedom. She truly believes that this nature should be forcibly broken and the collective effort should be oriented toward progress that would benefit humanity rather than impose ideals as to how people should live and who they should listen to. Each time her demands for bigger and much larger budgets for her science department are rejected due to budgetary problems and the fact that science is asking for too much tends her to believe that such an empire will have to bring forth a much greater pillar of order, one that could align the masses to one major cause and avoid all ideological conflict. Technically change humanity's entire mindset so they can be selfless and motivated to become a perfect species while retaining human personality. [b]Affiliation:[/b] Empire [b]History/Background:[/b] Lovrina is Keiko's sister and she loved to pick on her younger sister all the time. She also induced Keiko's flowers with various drugs so the customer would have the odd urge to buy more. The family business has never been smoother. It's WIP, working on it with SailorMoon. That and I'm lazy. [b]Tools/Weapons:[/b] [hider=The Yamamoto] The Yamamoto is an artificial body made by Lovrina Senju and is considered her greatest achievement as of yet. It was so well made that it is in fact her current body as of now for it holds immense potential in fighting and future development. Indeed, through many observations in the past and her desire to actually be functional in the battlefield along with her sister Keiko. This body is loosely based off the puppets used by shinobi, especially the way they ca be detached into multiple, dismembered pieces and act as if their were independent of their base form. In order to make it usable on a person without having to use a secondary user, Lovrina had searched for a power that could perfectly harmonize with this ambitious idea. It was only when the Empire took Sunagakure that the woman could witness how magnetism could be using in various useful ways. Of course, these individuals were rare and few were strong enough to actually demonstrate some traits of the power, but it was enough for her to make an analysis of the whole process and create something that could generate something similar, but could not be as powerful as natural Magnet Release users. The body currently hold a magnetic core in the chest area that's powered by chakra and allows the user to manipulate to a certain extent magnetism and generate magnetic fields for certain purposes. In this case, it is to dismember her own body into multiple pieces that act accordingly to the orders. The members all generate a small magnetic field and are all still linked to one another through magnetic chakra (chakra used to power the core). The members can go about thirty meters maximum from each other before both their magnetic fields disconnect, turning off the farthest members. The body is no longer organic and doesn't require blood flow any longer. The only exception to this is the head which still holds Lovrina's brain and is linked to multiple vital receptors that give orders to the body. Other than that, it is steel metal on the outside, and various muscle imitations and weapons on the inside as well as synthetic nerve receptors. [b]The Head:[/b] The main part of the body, and the most vital one like any other living being. The brain is the only organic part of the Yamamoto and it has been enhanced in order to be able to handle the mechanical body. Though the enhancements have no effect on the brain's durability, it did enhance it to the point of making it capable of focusing much harder than it could originally. Thus it is able to multitask to the point of being able to use up to ten members in a very complex manner simultaneously (like the mightiest of puppet masters) and act as if it was as simple as moving them when they were attached. This upgrade in attention and focus would have as secondary effect a boost in reflexes, although they progressively decrease as more and more members are being used. They can all be used at once, but the more the number exceeds ten, the less complex the tasks can be. When it comes the senses, Lovrina had an interesting observation partner: Ra. The use of genjutsu is rather powerful and can be a fatal weapon when used correctly. As a result, the brain will "reboot" the five senses (plus the chakra flow) every twenty seconds or so when she enters combat mode. This can be made immediately if done manually (consciously). The result would be severing of any form of illusion imposed on Lovrina. Not only that, but her ability to swiftly understand a technique after seeing it once allows the Yamamoto body to retain the functions of the genjutsu and not be affected the same way again. The more an enemy uses genjutsu on the Yamamoto, the more it will adapt and resist the chakra and mediums used by the enemy. Lovrina will be able to discern them much easier after an extra two exposition and after five she can accurately detect if it is a genjutsu the instant it is activated. The eyes are mostly organic, made of both synthetic parts and human parts to make them resemble as much as possible her original eyes. They have no ability as she can already use her goggles for such tasks. Her hearing isn't really enhanced, however her ears do have implemented headphones which allow her to communicate and receive different audio signals from either allies or her spying equipment. The sense of smell isn't really changed however her body is able to analyze different components in the air and quickly determine what she is smell/breathing. The sense of taste has a similar function. The sense of touch is present due to artificial nerves throughout her body that still connect through Lightning and Magnetic chakra despite being disconnected physically. However, she can completely cancel out the notion of physical pain when desired while retaining the more dull sense of touch. The head itself retains its flesh-like appearance even without camouflage, the flesh being made of pastic-like material with the texture of skin. Barely anything has changed regarding the head other than the brain's functions. It is due to Lovrina's attachment to her humanity. After all, she became a weapon of war simply to insure her family wasn't to end up alone in the battlefield. [b]The Hair:[/b] She has kept her epic long hair she's kept styled this way since her childhood. The hair is made out of basic material that makes a wig, albeit much more interesting since it's been used as a weapon even before the Yamamoto was made. In the pas she could master [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Hair_Binding_Technique]this[/url] without a problem but the enhancement allowed her to perfectly master [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Needle_Senbon]this[/url] (Needle form only, not the Kaguya Bullshit). Some speculate the hair is evil and has a mind of its own. Although these were achieved before she actually met Nikuya, her desire to make the wig much more effective would be thanks to that drunken cat girl. [b]The Chest:[/b] It also includes the neck area. The chest holds the main core of the body which allows it to function the way it is supposed to. The core is a powerful metal turned into a motor that feeds off the chakra generated by the living part of the user and in return releases magnetic chakra throughout the body. For convenience sake, it is the size of the heart and where the heart should be. Okay? Damaging it will cause Lovrina to lose control of her body but for a very brief moment. When this occur, an emergency unit in her body allows the brain to retake control but in exchange the body parts cannot be detached and remotely used any longer. The metal parts used on the chest are like anywhere else in the body: Nearly steel-like. Meaning any well placed hit by a somewhat strong attacker will damage. In other words, it can't be half-assed crap, otherwise it cuts almost like basic armor. The only time the magnetic influence can actually effect metals outside of the body is when the meta objects have been in direct contact with Lovrina's Yamamoto. The size cannot surpass twice the weight of the girl and it can only be launched or attracted for magnetic powers are still weak at this point. Being magnetized, stronger magnet users cannot submit Lovrina's body as long as the core is active. [b]The Upper Arms:[/b] Arms are detached from the shoulders and from the elbow. The first thing noticeable about them is the four lines on them that divides them into four perfectly identical circular pieces. Indeed, the member itself can divide itself as well, each piece counting as a single member if that is done. If split into four, the small circles would be able to releasing a saw all around its sides, turning them into levitating buzz saws and start to spin rapidly whenever desired through chakra. They can be enhanced with chakra for en extra cost and they naturally move much faster than the rest of the members due to their much lighter weight. However their magnetic field is weakened, making it only possible for them to go as far as 15 meters away from the core. (Or 7.5 meters away from the previous buzz saw as they can user each others' magnetic fields as well). When fused together as an arm, the blades used as rotating buzz saws can be released but they would appear divided by two and form three pairs of what can be described as small legs for the member, the last two acting as mandibles at either end of the member (Either can alternate). The "feet" are mainly used to firmly plant the member onto the ground. The arm can then fire at kunai throwing speed a thick, metal wire with the mandibles at the center of the tip and three thin and long claws on different ends of the wire's tip. They can then grab onto objects or people using this strategy and pull them to their direction. The fact that the member is pinned on something like the ground offers a lot of resistance and a lot of "surprise" to those who did not see it coming (They fall like turds), even for the big and heavy kind. This grapple technique can also be used without detaching the member but it requires the entirety of the arm to be complete as it releases the grapple via the wrist. [b]The Forearms:[/b] The forearms can be detached from the elbow and the hand. The forearm, unlike the arm, must always remain whole to function. Inside the arm resides a hallow cylinder coated by multiple machinery that allow Lovrina to use the member. In that very machinery also resides four more hallow slots. These slots are filled with 30 centimeter long senbon-like rods made of steel. They are rather thick and as mentioned, are longer than senbon. These double edged spikes are designed to be inserted within the central cylinder (that pretty much acts as a form of bone) and that cylinder's function is to use chakra in order to fire the spike at kunai throwing speed. The giant-senbon being made of metal, they are of course magnetized, however if they are too damaged (simple grazing doesn't matter), they cannot be fired again by that medium. When attached to the hand, the spike can emerge from the palm and serve as emergency weapon, it cannot however be fired immediately from the palm despite being possible to be ripped out and thrown manually at the same speed. [b]The Hands:[/b] The hands, when linked to the rest of the body or when they are severed don't have much of a difference. The hand however is most likely to be feared the most out of all the higher body parts simply because of what is concealed within them. Each finger has four small needles integrated that release at every joint plus the tip. In the hand is located five veils of a powerful anesthetic. Though each holds a small quantity, making it possible to inject all of it in a split second would the needle is plunged in the skin. The quantity in a file is enough to render completely numb the member affected to the point of making it unusable for about an hour. The first minute after exposure to the drug has the member progressively weaken in function, becoming less and less prone to complying with the sense of touch. After about a minute, the member will barely function and end up unusable. When hit on the body, the body is generally weakened after one minute and stamina severely reduced due to the lungs and heart being tranquilized to a more passive state. If hit on the head or neck, immediately one will feel a loss of effectiveness in reflexes and it will quickly progress to multiple senses failing: Hallucinations, high pitched sounds, tired eyes, etc. The tip of each finger can be shot like a bullet at kunai throwing speed whenever desired. They cannot pierce flesh (although bruise quite violently and push away) while injecting the drug upon contact (the drug is all stocked into the tip before launching). [b]The Abdominal area:[/b] Being divided into two from the end of the rib cage to the pelvis and being split vertically, separating both ab lines in a perfectly symmetrical manner. These members are the Yamamoto's base of defenses. The first notable attributes are the small, red gears that heat up really quickly at the edge of the members where they link to the rest of the body. These gears allow other interconnected members to swiftly detach themselves and move away faster than usual (fast enough like a reflex). This means both the pelvis and the chest areas are concerned along with both ab parts. Their second function only works when detached, as they start generating chakra and producing [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Mechanical_Light_Shield_Block]Chakra shields[/url]. These shields can withstand many basic blows, however strong attacks, often based on chakra, can only be blocked once before shattering the shield. Breaking the shield destroys the member's ability to generate shields unless they are repaired. [b]The Pelvis:[/b] The pelvis may as well be the odd ball of the punch. It isn't directly offensive nor does it offer a form of support to the body. It actually is a saboteur of high level. Whether it is severed or not, it gathers up energy from the air and especially light sources (without extinguishing them). The charging lasts about thirty seconds in darkness and fifteen when exposed to enough light, however the upcoming effects are much stronger in darkness. When the power level is at maximum, the pelvis can sever itself whenever and rotate so that the facet of the member linking the abdomen area to the pelvis is facing the selected target. A bright light would charge for about a second before releasing a speeding ray of light to wherever it is pointing. The ray of light doesn't damage or burn and is as broad as twice the side of the pelvis' exhaustion area. When hitting the target's body or near it, they would suddenly have be blinding by the powerful light reflecting on them. Though blindness is one thing, the reason why the charging was so long is that it was also gathering power to release a powerful, high pitched sound directed only by the ray of light in order to rend the target nearly death as well. Of course stepping away from the ray's grasp will quickly return the senses albeit with a progressive recovery, meaning all of it won't be sugar and rainbows upon getting out. Plus the the pelvis can still change angles of shot while firing, however it cannot move from its position. The ray lasts about ten seconds and Lovrina's head is adapted to it in case it were to be used against her will. [b]The Thighs:[/b] A purely support type member as they are equipped with a high number of thin tendrils equipped with various tools and small mechanical parts. Their role is to serve as a "medic" to broken body parts or simply damaged ones. If one is simply damaged, the recovery can take up to forty seconds. If a member is broken and needs to be reattached to a few things, it may take up to one minute and thirty seconds. If one of them is broken, the other can fix it but it will take about a minute to fix. When they are repairing their are highly vulnerable. Unlike most members, even when severely broken, magnetism can be used to make them at least attachable and usable as a member, although offline. If an enemy is immobilized, they can actually kill them off, however this is only used if all else fails to kill the enemy (they have big defenses...). [b]The Lower Legs:[/b] Going from the knee to the ankle, the lower leg only function as a weapon when severed or at least when the foot is released. This is because a drill is what connect the foot to the member and it is able to spin once it is emerged. The drill itself is pretty strong, being able to pierce hard metal after a little drilling and it can be complimented with chakra (lightning too) to pierce very resistant materials. The rest of the member functions as a form of "pump". To be more precise, the member actually extends itself to leave its center hollow so it can gain energy like the pelvis would as well as consume extra chakra so five seconds later it can brutally close down on the energy and release it through the drill like a release of intense pressure meant to shatter even what would be considered unbreakable. Drilling costs a bit of chakra though nothing significant, however the charging can be more costing and must be regulating. [b]The Feet:[/b] The feet hold many attributes that make it dangerous, both severed and attached. It starts off by having an array of blade hidden inside it, starting by: A retractable blade from the tip of Lovrina's boot, blade circling the rest of the boot (forming a form of U), a spike protruding out of the boot's heels, ice skate blade come from under, and a row of four short spikes emerge from the top. Not only that but the feet are also equipped with rockets that can propel them at much high speeds, with or without the rest of the body. The rockets were inspired by Yakoul's Sage transformation and how it allowed it to move much faster than normal. [b]The Articulations:[/b] The articulations are narrowed down to the shoulders, elbows and knees in this case, making a total of six extra weapons. However unlike the other members, they are not equipped with anything and instead they are made of a refined metal capable of bouncing against hard objects. The bouncing powers are rather ridiculous, and it isn't an understatement. If in a closed room, they will literally bounce all over the place without having to control them. They hit as heard as a baseball and can easily be dodged even while doing other things for trained shinobi. [/hider] [hider=Mister Penguin] Mister Penguin is not a penguin. That's it. No actually Mister Penguin is Lovrina's main tool and weapon of choice, even more than her own body. Mister Penguin is the result of using her sister's life bringing ability to create life within an inanimate object. The process was difficult, but Lovrina was capable of conducting this kind of experiment on an experimental material still being tested in labs. The material is a rare metal found in the mines of the land of winds. The metal itself is worthless when in the form of dirty ore and even refined it not treated correctly it is as useful as steel. However, if submitted to a certain temperature and maintained this way by giving it an artificial organism, it is capable of or materializing itself into either semi-liquid, flexible state (like jelly) or alternate into a completely solidified form. In other words, it is like play-doh, or bubble gum that hardens. It is capable of condensing itself to make its mass fit into a very small form but also stretch itself to reach interesting sizes. It is mainly used as a thick whip wrapping itself around Lovrina's body as it is capable of moving by itself, however in order to deliver powerful blows, Lovrina must throw in her strength. The end of the whip takes the form of an average sized hand with an eye in the palm, usually used to grab whatever it can as well as have a visual in order to support its master. And yes it has a conscience and can talk. Being able to manipulate its form it can turn itself into a spear or even a blade. Despite hardening, it isn't very heavy nor resistant, if cut down it won't die but would have to be turned into half liquid and merge with itself again. It can be killed with high temperatures and completely paralyzed with low ones. It is called mister penguin because its favorite form is a small penguin. And it can only move from point A to point B in that form for some reason.[/hider] [Hider=Penguin Armor] The penguin armor is pretty much based off the Mister Penguin wit similar liquid-like metal. It is pretty much an extra layer or armor with not extra defensive value added to the Yamamoto, however it can easily peel off and jump on whatever is facing the concerned member. It has no offensive capability either, it's pretty much a form of body shedding on a very weak scale. This armor is still a big prototype with a lot o experimentation going on, hence its current weak effects. [/hider] [hider=Wonder Goggles] They are wonderful. They are Lovrina's first ever big creation and they have always served her. Having no real visual enhancement, her goggles have a great deal of usefulness to her. They start off by allowing her to save data of her observations when she's field operating or even fighting. But they can mostly allow her to use different visors: Chakra vision based off the rival clan of the Senju however she cannot visualize the color of chakra, thermal visor that cannot see beyond physical matter, X-ray visor that allows her to pretty much see bone structure and other metals. The X-ray visor has been modified so that the vision isn't interfered by the presence of certain corrupt metals. The X-ray visor also enable vision through chakra based structures and techniques meant to blur vision.[/hider] [hider=Techno Cubes] They are blue, transparent cubes that serve as a generic seal medium as they can teleport objects, and even people, by connecting via a harmless thunderbolt released from the object. Individuals must stand still for three seconds in order to be captured. Yeah they are like Pokeballs except much cooler.[/hider] [hider=Captive collar] A steel collar that's imposed around the necks of those who are transported by the techno cubes. The collars feed off their chakra, so whenever they want to use any form of technique, the chakra is siphoned by the collar and electrocutes them until their pulse is reduced to the point where they are unconscious. This is the same for physical abuse, pulling or hitting it will electrocute by using their chakra (everyone has freaking chakra, no exceptions). Having it removed successfully with precision will cause it to sound an alarm that alerts Lovrina due to their heat sensors not detecting the body hear of the captive.[/hider] [hider=The Sinis Trio] The sinis trio is composed of three animal-like robots who barely have any fighting skills. No really they're just there to look cute and do somewhat out of battle things. I won't describe them entirely here (physically), as there's enough to read already. [b]Delcatty:[/b] A robot kitty cat with enhanced smelling, hearing and seeing. It pretty much serves as some scouter dog thing to hunt down certain people and check if the coast is clear for spying. She has a sassy nature and somewhat femme-fatal like behavior. She can also hit quite hard with her tail. [b]Farfetch'D:[/b] Pretty much a duck that doesn't fly and always tries to make people laugh. He's actually quite quick on his feet and carries with him a shovel-like item no one truly know what it is. It allows him to easily travel underground however. If his item goes mission, he throws a fit. He's usually used for distraction and decoy, being an fine adept of the Whack-a-mole jutsu. [b]Altaria:[/b] A large, blue bird with things that appear to be like clouds. It glides slowly in mid air, however his in the skies it has the ability to fight at much high speeds. It is capable of generating fake clouds in the sky in order to camouflage itself. It is a very docile robot with barely anything to say.[/hider] [hider=Psicom Infestation] The Psicom infestation is a swarm of robot insects inspired by Remi's use of multiple hornets, summoned through the Techno cubes. The first kind of Psicom is a type of on inch sized ant that can burrow into earth with ease. They are incapable of performing powerful techniques other than using their razor sharp, large mandibles. Their main purpose is to position themselves in a way that they can apply their primary function: for the [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Four_Violet_Flames_Formation]Four Violet Flames Formation[/url], using their antennae for the job. The second variation is a small fly, as large as the typical fly, and their goal is to simply latch themselves onto a living individual and bite them. This allows them to release a small, electronic parasite into the victim much like malaria (being very difficult to treat and actually purge) which gives off their location on a radar on Lovrina's goggles. The final type of Psicom takes the form of a large hornet, much like Remi's, made of iron. It has a large stinger with only weak venom that simply causes much more acute pain when stung. Their main function is to just explode, which happens automatically when their are destroyed. The explosions are weak and can be very damaged if in point blank range.[/hider] [b]Chakra Nature:[/b] Lightning (Natural) [b]Kekkei Genkai:[/b] N/A [b]Skills:[/b] Lovrina has the give of being exceptionally effective when it comes to observation and understanding the mechanics of whatever she analyzes with great precision. In other words, she is capable of taking note of many specific aspects of an object or a combat technique and quickly conclude what makes this certain characteristic possible and how it function in such a way. Unlike the Sharingan that usually just give the instruction manual as to how things work and the user can just copy away, Lovrina understands it and can form diverse hypothesis as to how it can be used in different manners she could create. This also pushes her observation skills to the peak of perfection. Anything she looks at, even theories regarding social tension are easily analyzed by her mind and observed as if they were a broken clock for instance. Her mind simply allows her to dismember all the parts of the information she's acknowledged and conclude to a certain point. Modifications to her brain and nervous system enable her to also combine this with powerful senses and reflexes, which make her a gargantuan threat to more reluctant adversaries who hide their cards. With her Yamamoto she has peak physical strength and chakra control. Her stamina is considered infinite due to the lack of natural organs that limits one's body. Her strength is also augmented by the body's composition and lack of muscle limits. However it isn't as high as chakra enhanced strength. Being a Senju, her chakra levels are naturally high, however in order to maintain the Yamamoto constantly, they are to be considered average when the machine is in use and they will always be this way without future enhancement. Her body however is as durable as it ca get as pain isn't a limiting factor any longer and her body isn't dependent of anything other than the brain. [Hider=Canon Jutsu]All E-rank Jutsu [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Shrinking_Technique]Shrinking Jutsu[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Sensing]Chakra Sensing[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Lightning_Release_Shadow_Clone]Lightning Style Shadow Clone[/url][/hider] [hider=Custom Jutsu] [b]Name:[/b] Symbiosis [b]Rank:[/b] A [b]Range:[/b] Personal [b]Nature:[/b] Senjutsu [b]Type:[/b] Sensory Ninjutsu [b]Effect:[/b] Upon analyzing her Kin: Keiko, Arano and Heihashirama who were all in relation with nature and its energy, but also Yakoul and Shiji for not only a different version of sage power by also having direct access to it without actually being a sage, Lovrina was capable of using Symbiosis. This ability give her the power to camouflage her chakra as a sage would, by pretty much "merging" with the nature surrounding her and in exchange she is capable of using her inherited sensory jutsu to travel through that same energy and detect those deemed undetectable. Her Yamamoto body prevents her from suffering physical backlash from this, and thus no physical changes occur when she uses this. However much like Yakoul and a sage who is transforming, she must be standing still to use Symbiosis. If a sage detects her or someone using chakra sensory, Symbiosis is able to pick up on them and orient Lovrina toward the source via traditional sensory. [b]Weakness:[/b] N/A [b]Name:[/b] Advanced transformation technique [b]Rank:[/b] B [b]Range:[/b] Personal [b]Nature:[/b] N/A [b]Type:[/b] Ninjutsu [b]Effect:[/b] An advanced level of transformation jutsu that allows her to keep the appearance of a normal girl, hiding all the the mechanical parts. This is pretty much Tsunade's transformation technique as it doesn't cost any chakra due to how developed it is. [b]Weakness:[/b] N/A [b]Name:[/b] Electrical Siphon [b]Rank:[/b] B [b]Range:[/b] Close [b]Nature:[/b] Lightning [b]Type:[/b] Ninjutsu [b]Effect:[/b] This technique can either be done by touching an electrical machine or by zapping it with a weak jolt from a maximum of ten meters away. This allows Lovrina to siphon out all the electricity is could be linked to and stocks it in her core. It will temporarily give her a boost in chakra (sucking out electricity to the point where a TV doesn't work anymore raises her chakra by 10%). This cannot go above 50% of her maximum chakra (average level), and 100% when it's been depleted in battle. So she can only start off with 150% of her chakra and can only suck out the total of her maximum level of chakra during a fight. This can also be applied in battle, on the opponents, however it can only be done through contact and when the hand is at least connected to the rest of the body. In this case chakra is sucked out, and the extra that can't be taken in is simply wasted into heat, which is itself evacuated. [b]Weakness:[/b] N/A [/hider]