Oliver's dog ear pointed downwards after hearing about the test.[i] It'll be fine, I'm good enough to get into Beacon I think I can handle whatever they throw at me..[/i] Olive thought to himself with confidence. Olive looked around the room right after Mr.Goodwitch stopped talking. People all around Oliver started leaving one by one, leaving but the little trace that they were ever here. "What should I do now?" Oliver pondered as he stood in the middle of the room, watching people pass him by on the way out. "I could go explore the school ground."Oliver said to himself as he glanced at every person. The pink haired girl had shown up again, this time she wasn't with her friend. Oliver brought his hand up to his mouth and breathed on it, inhaling through his nose seconds after, trying to check his breath.[i] This is it...Nows the time to make the move...[/i] Oliver nonchalantly shuffled his way over to her side, moving around the people that would block the path otherwise. "So, You excited for the test?" Oliver asked in a manly yet charming voice. [i] Perfect[/i], He thought just after talking. Oliver had his hands in his pockets ,his hair, which was brushed that morning, was a little bit messy and wavy. He smiled which was followed by a light chuckle as he waited to her her response.