The Cable News Network– United States of America [img=] *Jake Tapper sits at the CNN broadcasting station, he has a smart suit on and papers in front of him.* [I] “Welcome back to CNN I’m Jake Tapper reporting to you live from the studio. Reports are on the rise from victims of the unknown virus that is sweeping the globe. Leaving many hospitalised and others in worse condition, everyday. Despite these reports, government officials have asked that everyone should stay calm and stay in their homes. They have also heavily put forward that 'everything is under control' “ [/i] *Listening into microphone* [i] “I have just been told that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention have began to issue a statement and we will be broadcasting them live immediately ” [/i] [img=] *Thomas R. Frieden, Director of The Center for Disease Control, stands in front of the CDC building at a podium, he is calm and collected. * [I] “Due to recent events I must assure everyone that the recent virus outbreak is under control. Top government researchers are constantly working to begin to understand how the virus works. All we know at this time is that it is transferred via close proximity with an infected individual and that it is a fast acting virus. I advise the public to bring any people affected by the Virus to a local hospital then leave immediately, this is to ensure others are not infected and so that the already over capacity hospitals are not filled with even more people. I will now dispel a few rumours that have been circling the globe. 'Is this mad cow disease, swine flu, bird flu etc. ' At this moment in time we know that it is nothing we have ever been in contact with before. 'Are infected individuals dangerous' Infected individuals are dangerous only in the sense that they carry the virus, any reports of violent attacks by infected individuals are false 'What is the.. [/i] Thomas is interrupted by a yell from the crowd below. [i]“WHAT ABOUT THAT NEWS REPORT IN BRAZIL!”[/i] A young woman’s voice calls from the reporters. Other voices begin to yell out, drowning each other out with their questions as Thomas begins to attempt to calm down the crowd. After a half a minute the screen cuts back to Jake in the studio. [img=] [i]”It seems we are having some technical difficulties with our camera in the field. We will get back to Mr Frieden at a later date. Now to our weatherman Chad Myers” [/i] * Broadcasting resumes as per usual*