With the antlered one cradled safely in his lower arms, 9 began to advance out towards the exit while idly catching words about adventures and parties. 9 filtered it out, the antlered one said she needed out and by the queen he was going to get her out. His talons were a whirlwind of carnage as his tail knocked men off their feet, letting him stomp their faces into oblivion. 9 didn't care what the web chested men said, they contributed to his suffering just because he was some "beast", some monster to be ridiculed and shamed. It infuriated him to no end, he wasn't a prize to be hunted and shown off. He was a warrior and his roar would be heard. However he slowed down after running ahead of everyone, realizing he was losing himself in his anger. Giving a couple of clicks, 9 calmed down and took stock of the situation. The others seemed more interested in gaining back whatever possessions they seemed to have entered with, 9 guessed not all could have been lucky to have been born with armor. The beef man seemed to be the most heavily armed of them, with massive metal...things that he guessed could cleave through men just as easily as he could. The web chested man was still naked, which 9 had no problem with... well except 9 kept his bits hidden away behind chitin, he wasn't a savage. 9 didn't care much for the others, they seemed even more engrossed in whatever they were doing. However his wagon of thought was interrupted by the sound of pounding feet and clinking metal. Turning around, 9 was met with almost a dozen faces. None of them particularly happy. Seeing that many weapons pointed at him, 9 hesitated. If they antlered one wasn't in his arms then he could possibly make it through, if he tired really hard. If only he had enough time to evolve, he could have made someway to get past them. Shrugging, 9 knew that this would be tricky and most definitely fatiguing. Summoning all of his mind power, 9's eyes began to not just glow, but positively shine as power coursed through his crown. Opening his mouth, 9 let fourth an ungodly screech as the light flooded out of his mouth. The sound from his mouth was piercing, the sound that entered the minds of the soldiers was even more so. Dropping their weapons and clutching their heads, the men began to sport bloody noses as 9's mental assault smashed their resolves. Soon after the men slumped over, unconscious and possible irreparable damage to their fragile minds, but alive. However the mental roar took just as much a toll on 9 as it did them as he fell to a knee. With labored breaths 9 stood their, kneeling as his strength struggled to return to him. Shaking his head side to side, he remembered that he still had a charge to look after and stood back up. With the new wave dealt with, 9 was forced to take a slow pace towards the exit.