[u][i] –Zivon- [/u] [/i] Zivon just nodded his head and return the paper, it seemed that things were going fun at the kings game yet he still didn’t feel good. He was appreciative with Save for sticking by him even though he was reacting like an over reacting child. He nodded to her but as much he wanted to leave his legs won’t cooperate with him. ‘Must be my ankle…’ He rubbed his ankle, still feeling quite swollen fro that forest incident. Zivon sighed as he got a new paper and handed one to Save. [u][i] –Garden- [/u][/i] Garden took the piece of paper back and got a new one… awaiting for the next king for the next command. “This oddly feels like hom huh? The king giving orders… Iwonder how dad is doing…” She smiled sweetly and petted Sunflower. [u][i] –Seven- [/u][/i] Seven did the usual, paper then new paper and once again dozed off… waiting for something fun to happen. [u][i] –Cyber- [/u][/i] Cyber turned his head around, he though he heard something but he shook his head and got a new paper. ‘Oh please let me be the next king for the next round…’ He begged in his mind. He hope for the next round he was king.